morning brew

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a steaming cup bright and early
i still taste you in my dreams
warm and savoury, just the way i used to be
bright coffee eyes in my bloodstream

you fit all of my criteria
so smooth in salivating delight
all in a freshly cleaned mug, euphoria
but sometimes things that are hot have a bite

my addiction left me jittery and paranoid
i filtered my thoughts through your scent
but i was too late to avoid
the bitterness of your after accent
so complete and resolute in your control
over my passive mind and cravings for sweetness
i succumbed to three cups a day, my role
and you used me in your discreteness

there was always tomorrow, in my frazzled mind
some more sugar, some more milk
for you, there was a schedule for your coffee grind
a clock timer and an unmade bed of silk
i had to drink you up before you were even finished brewing
or else you would turn cold like no other
its a shame I let your caffeine be my undoing
because you really did make my heart flutter

but i ignored the warning signs,
my teeth yellow, my thoughts askew
you lasted long with your expiry date confined
but now i think i know what to do

yes, my mornings are different, bleak and glum
with trained taste buds yearning for your familiarity
i poured the last of you down the drain, groggy and numb
but each day i feel a step closer to clarity

my hands still shake, time is the key
i think its time for me to switch to tea

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