faltered future

13 3 1

kindergarten words, a voice unspoken
there's something so scary, something so broken
about a glass enclosure, of stunted plants
of petalless flowers and products of circumstance
a world clouded by my own actions

locked from the inside no way out
a faltered future that cannot sprout
onlookers pass without a glance
eloquently spoken, enthralled at their flowers dance
they're so free without death,
my stems are on their last breath

i don't think i can do this anymore
living in glass that no one looks through
digging in trenches, my fingers cold, blue
a cloud hovering just below the ceiling
i want more, i want healing
i want broken glass, flowery language
frivolous stocks of colourful advantage

but in this transparent greenhouse
nothing seems good enough
there's nothing i can do but hope they sprout
how ironic that the only colour in this place
is the lovely dark green shade on my face

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