"I am fine. I don't need her help nor do I want her help. Listen to me..." She gave a step near him. "You can't have a baby with her, it can't be."

"I am having a baby with her and I came here to ask you to stay away from us, you hear me Kelly? Rafi might have her heart filled with hope and good intentions but I don't, so you stay away from us. This is what I came here to tell you." He looked into her stoned eyes trying to intimidating her. Instead, Kelly laughed and James clenched his jaw feeling the blood raising to his head, but he controlled himself.

"Are you afraid of me James?" Kelly asked ironically.

"I am not afraid of you, no." He said firmly though he was. "But if anything happens to my girlfriend or my kid when is born, you're in deep trouble with me and you don't want to be in trouble with me do you? You know me Kel..." He menaced.

"When is born?" Kelly threw her head back and a loud laugh echoed inside her house. "James...that baby is not going to happen." She said looking at him. A glitter of delusion showing in her eyes. "Rafi won't have that baby."

"I am warning you Kelly." James told her clenching his fist. She was getting on his nerves.

"She won't have that baby and I promise you that, then you can come back to me." She defied him again. That moment he felt his blood boiling more than ever, and when she smiled, he simply wanted to hit her, but instead, he just grabbed her jaw with his hand but putting a lot of pressure in it. He knew he was hurting her, but that was his way to show her he meant it.

"Listen you bitch..." He said clenching his jaw. "I am not fucking kidding, I am fucking serious. You touch my kid or Rafi and I will turn your life into hell. Listen to me carefully because I am not fucking joking nor am I playing a game here. Rafi and the baby are the most important things I have in my life so if anything happens to one of them, I'll put you in fucking jell to rot there for the rest of your life, you hear me?"

"You're hurting me." She complained wincing. James put more pressure on his grip.

"Good..." He said making even more effort in his hand. "This way you see how serious I am bitch. Leave us alone or you'll pay and I won't be sympathetic or gentle. I will make you pay." With that he let her go free and began to walk to the door.

"Wait..." Kelly yelled. "Don't go, stay with me." She asked.

"I have already done what I wanted to do here, that's all." He said coldly. Then, he opened the door and left without looking back. On the stairs he felt something smashing against the door and yells of anger were heard. James ran down the stairs and then to his truck, he came back home.

Rafaela went up to him the second he opened the door, his heart was still racing from the rage.

"Where were you?" She asked with her gorgeous smile. James took a deep breath and looked at her relaxed and happy figure and was unable to spoil that. Best sight of his morning.

"Just walking around, I woke up too soon." He said instead of the truth not to worry her or destroy her day.

"I missed you." She giggled holding onto to his waist and burying her face against his neck.

His arms held her close and he closed his eyes burying his nose in her hair, inhaling deeply her smell. A soft smile appeared in his lips and his heart slowly turned to a normal pace, tension abandoned his body and fast he found himself calm. Rafaela had that power over him, to turn a black day into a bright one, to make bad look great.

"I love you Rafi." He whispered pulling her more to him, holding her tight.

"Oh baby..." She giggled and looked up, resting her chin against his chest. "I love you too."

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