"Fine." He looked back at their friends. "So, um, my mom forced me to manifest with her weird cocoon thing that Tammy Boy thought could kill me."

"Don't call me that," Tam muttered.

Keefe ignored him. "I did manifest." He dropped his voice to a whisper. "I'm a Mesmer."

Fitz looked nervous and Biana looked concerned. Linh bit her lip as Dex stared at him with a strange fascination and Tam paled, slightly. There was an uncomfortably long silence. 

Tam broke it. "Are you okay?" It was strange to see Tam being worried about Keefe, seeing as they never got along despite how similar they were. 

Keefe must have felt the same way because he smirked and was about to tease Tam for a split second but changed his mind. He swallowed. "Yeah."

"Does the Council know?" Linh asked. 

Keefe admitted, "No, but Forkle knows and he's going to tell the Council."

Biana whispered, "Are you going to have to train with Grady?"

"Unfortunately, yes." Keefe looked anxious but tried to act okay. "I mean it makes sense. My legacy has something to do with helping my mother so what better for her than being able to control people? The Council is probably going to watch me like Marella and make me be super careful. They're going to get worried that I'll force people to help the Neverseen."

Fitz looked remorseful. "This is pretty bad. Keefe, I'm . . . sorry, man. I shouldn't have said those things."

"It's fine," Keefe assured him. "You were going through some pretty bad things. I'm sorry too." Ro groaned behind him and Keefe shot her a death glare.

Fitz shook his head. "You were going through worse. You don't have to apologize. I was being a jerk. I'm really sorry."

"That's an understatement," Ro added under her breath, earning her another glare from Keefe.

He stopped to think before adding, "It's okay Fitzy. There is a way for you to make it up to me."

Fitz promised, "Anything."

"We HAVE to call ourselves the Keefitzanator!"

"Oh no," Fitz groaned while everyone else grinned.

"Uh uh Fitzy, you just promised." Keefe's tone intentionally made him sound like a child getting upset at their parents for breaking a promise. 

Fitz rolled his eyes. "Fine. We are now the Keefitzanator. Happy?"

"Very," nodded Keefe. "You know what makes me sad?"

Tam's eyes lit up and he grinned for a second but forced himself to make a straight face. Trying not to sound suspicious, and failing, he asked, "What?"

"That might have been the happiest I've ever seen Tam," Dex noted.

Keefe rolled his eyes. "Thanks for being a great friend, Bangs Boy."

"Look who's talking," Tam shot back.

Sophie shrugged. "He has you there, Keefe."

"Whatever. Anyway, my ability sessions with Grady are going to be the one class that Forkle absolutely won't let me ditch."

"Like he let you ditch in the first place," Fitz snorted.

"He gives up because he knows he can't control me but he's going to force me to go to Grady's lessons," Keefe whined. "But maybe Grady will let me skip his class because he's just as excited about it as I am." He seemed to perk up at the thought.

Sophie shook her head. "No way. Your ability is too rare and important for Grady to ignore. He's not exactly looking forward to it but he's is interested on how you're going to approach Mesmerizing."

"Besides, we'll force you to go to your class," Tam's grin had an evil gleam to it. "If it really upsets you."

"Ugh, you guys are the worst friends," Keefe covered his face and put his head down on the table.

Linh asked, "Because we make you do the right thing?"

Keefe uncovered his face and lifted up his head a little. "Exactly."

"I know. We're just terrible because we're good people," Dex agreed sarcastically. 

"I hate you guys so much," Keefe grumbled.

Sophie smiled. "We hate you too Keefe."

"Some of us more than others," Tam muttered under his breath. Linh rolled her eyes. 

Keefe replied sarcastically, "Love you too Bangs Boy." 

Dex shook his head. "No Keefe, you can't love Tam, it has to be-"

"DIZZNEE," Tam nearly yelled. His grey-blue eyes looked panicked. "SHUT UP!"

Dex shrugged. "Whatever you say."

"So, do you all ship it?" Fitz asked as the conversation dissolved into silence.

"Ship what?" Biana asked while everyone else nodded. 

Linh giggled. "I think you're starting to rub off on her, Sophie." Sophie blushed. 

Biana shrugged. "I don't get it but okay."

Dex whistled. "Guys, we have 30 seconds until lunch ends."

"Oh man," Keefe groaned. "I have to go history."

Ro moaned, "I can't handle another lecture on how lost and un-sparkly this world would have been without your species. For such a scrawny species, your egos are HUGE!"

"Well, have fun with that," Sophie told them as the bell rang. "I have to go to Telepathy training."

Keefe's eyes lit up. "I'll come with you."

"But it's on the other side of campus," Sophie pointed out.

"So? Maybe I'll get late and be able to skip some of history." 

"Keefe. Go. To. Class," Sophie rolled her eyes. She quickly kissed him before letting go of his hand and walking to Telepathy. 

"Fine, Foster." Keefe started walking the other way. "Bye guys."

There was a scattered response of "Bye"s.

Sophie tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and her hand went down to the spot on her neck. She blushed, thinking of Biana's question and her really terrible lie. She wasn't surprised none of her friends believed her. Sophie shook her head as if it would clear those thoughts from her head and hoped Sir Tiergan wouldn't ask her to let him enter her mind. That would be so awkward. Maybe she'd be able to block those thoughts from him. 

A thought came to her. 

I'm really glad Grady isn't a Telepath.

Sophie pushed the door open and spotted her familiar Telepath Mentor and waved. 

Mesmerizing: A Sokeefe FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now