Chapter 6:

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Katz and I are in the back of a taxi, Celestia was sitting on my lap. Neither of us is talking. It's not like we're angry or anything, it's just, we're enjoying the silence. Or at least I am, Katz is currently fearing for his life. Why? Oh, I don't know. It might be because I haven't said anything at all since we left.

"Well isn't this an interesting setup." A familiar voice says from the front of the car, "It's almost as if some all-powerful deity put the two of you in my taxi." The driver turned around as he says this, with a smile on his face, I recognize the red bandanna around his head right away, "Isn't that right, Timberly." The chicken in question let out a squawk as she poked her head around the seat, fluttering her wings.

"HOLY SHIT CASTOR!!!!!!" Katz yelled, shocked by this development, his eyes widening. Seriously since when was Castor a taxi driver, that's like his fifteenth job so far.

"EYES ON THE ROAD, CASTOR, EYES AHEAD NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled, fear creeping into my voice as the taxi swerved into oncoming traffic. Bracing myself against the seat and the door, I watched my fellow passenger do the same. 

"Oh it's quite alright, this is a magical taxi, it drives itsel-"


"CASTOR!!!" Two voices yelled.

"OH MY IRENE ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL US!!!" I shout, moving to unbuckle the seat belt.

"You lied to me Timberly, how dare you!" Castor shouted, ignoring me.

With a huff, I get out of the vehicle with my precious pupper. The passenger side of the yellow cab had struck a tree hard enough to create a fairly large dent. The hood had popped up slightly and a tire missing. It is truly a wonder that all of us survived. 

Katz slowly exited the death trap, in a slight daze and stuttered, "Did... Did, he go in-insane or something." His expression filled with shock and horror as Castor attempted to get answers from a chicken.

"I... I don't... Probably?" I whispered as I attempt to comprehend what had just occurred.

"Let's just go, before he realizes, Jess." Katz murmured, placing a hand on my should while backing away from our 'friend.' I nod my head and turn towards the busy road. No one thought to stop and check on us.

"Wait, are you two going to Tu'la?" Castor asks after he finally noticed us. He held the chicken under his arm as he too got out of the cab.

"Ummm... Yes, we were." I muttered.

"No way, me too, but I honestly thought you would never return." Castor had a look of excitement and confusion on his face.

"Oh, uh, ya, I wasn't planning to... But I... I had to get away for a while." I lowered my gaze, I don't think I could look anyone in the eyes without bursting into tears.

"Did something happen with one of your friends?" He asked innocently.

"I don't want to talk about." I struggle to say. The ground below blurs as tears begin to build up in my eyes.

"Are... Are you crying!?" Castor's voice was filled with even more confusion than before.

"You should leave Jess alone... I'm not sure what happened either, but... It is for her to tell us when she's ready." Katz said firmly. All I heard from Castor after that was a soft oh before he opened the trunk of the taxi and removed our luggage.

"Well... We should probably get a ride elsewhere, this... isn't going anywhere." Castor almost sounded unsure and hesitant.

"I'll call an Uber then."

A/N Sorry about not updating Saturday, the internet was acting weird and then I forgot to post it, but Lucky has a great idea for what to happen next. Also they may not arrive in Tu'la for several more chapters. If you see any mistakes feel free to correct them. Also please ask questions on the chapter called Ok Just Deal With This, we will be doing a Q&A chapter and if we don't get any questions, we might not try to do it again. 

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