"Things won't get better if someone isn't brave enough to do something," Wally pointed out.

"You're such a Gryffindor. Bruce doesn't even know we're together yet. It'll just be us against everyone else."

Before Wally could argue further, there was a knock on the door. They snatched their hands away from one another and Robin opened it. Four people stood in the crowded hallway with various faces of discomfort. "May I help you?" he asked.

"We don't mean to intrude but our usual carriage got taken over by the new kids and we don't know anyone so we're just going around asking for a place to stay for the trip over," the girl with the least discomfort answered. She looked to be the youngest of the group and wore a bright smile. He looked back to Wally who shrugged. "Uhm, okay. It's just us anyway," he answered, moving away from the door. The four shuffled in and found a sit with relieved looks. 

"Thank you. You're the sixth person we've asked. I swear those Slytherins get more selfish every year," Artemis complained. 

"I'm a Slytherin." A tension bomb hit the room at full force.

"I didn't - uh."

"Some of them are bad though. Especially on this side of the train," Robin added with a laugh. He offered her a smile to show his feelings weren't hurt. He shut the door and sat down beside Wally, now leaving a space. He immediately regretted letting these new students in but he'd have to deal with it now. "Are you both Slytherin?" the youngest asked. Obviously she was the most socially confident of the group. 

"Nope, I'm Gryffindor. I stay up here though since it's mostly quiet up here. Everyone quietens down after the first hour," Wally answered. "So, who are you guys?"

"Oh, I'm M'gann, this is Artemis, Kaldur and Connor. I don't think we caught your names."

"We didn't throw them. I'm Robin and he's Wally."

Some awkward silence followed before M'gann once again tried to make some conversation. "I'm a Hufflepuff by the way, Kaldur is Ravenclaw and those two are Gryffindor." The friends glanced at one another then back to the group. They were all in different houses but were friends? Maybe they were foolish to think they were the only ones but it always felt like it. Plus they had the added history of competition between their houses which somehow always went a bit too far. That explains why they didn't say anything when they revealed they were in different houses. "Huh, I haven't seen you guys around before," Wally commented, studying the two Gryffindors.

"I'm in your Alchemy class," Connor deadpanned. "I sit behind you."

"And we're in a Snapchat group together for Fortune Telling," Artemis huffed. The ginger paused and shook his head. 

"Nope, can't be, I never forget a face."

"He does. All the time," Robin corrected. They laughed as Wally pouted. He remembered the important things like their anniversary and all the good spells. He just had selective memory by taking out all the boring stuff and replacing it with the stuff he needed. It just so happened the boring stuff included the two other Gryffindors in the room. "You know, you look familiar," M'gann stated as she stared at the raven-haired teen. Her eyes narrowed as she studied his features. "You probably just saw me around school," he responded a little too quickly.

"Rob, how's Peanuts? Is she well?" Wally cut in, saving his boyfriend from being found out. People weren't supposed to know his real name other than family and friends, mostly for privacy reasons. He couldn't stand the thought of people googling his names and seeing his parent's fate in the results. It was too much to always explain what happened properly or deal with their sudden new behaviour around him so he just went by Robin. Bruce made sure every teacher abided by calling him Robin too. If they didn't then they better be looking in the jobs section of the newspaper. "Oh, she's doing well. What about Sticky?"

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now