A brotherly talk

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AmberGreenleif asked for this one so let's go

"Do I really need to do this?" Jason asked as he pulled up to Damian's school. There was still time for him to ride away and pretend nothing happened. Unfortunately, the man on the other end of the phone would hunt him down if he did that. "I raised that kid for the entire time Bruce was away, if I deal with one more school fight I'll start getting grey hairs," Dick replied sternly. "It's not like Bruce is going to do anything other than a lecture and it's very clear he doesn't respond to it well."

"Then why am I here? Aren't I just giving him another lecture?" he pointed out.

"No, you're giving him a brotherly talk. I don't see what you're complaining about. You're not the one who's his first contact. Just suck it up." Jason huffed, accepting there was no way out of it. 

"Alright alright. When did you become such a grouch?"

"Since I had to step up as the eldest and take on a name I never wanted, raise a kid, deal with my brother alienating me and being put on a pedestal where people have near unachievable standards of me."

"Uh, I died."

"Cool, I still win. Good luck." He hung up before there could be anymore argument about the matter. Jason groaned and pocketed his phone then watched the doors to the school for his younger brother. It wasn't his job to deal with the backfire of training kids to fight. Everyone else hardly had a problem with fights but Damian just had them on a weekly basis. Honestly, he couldn't help but find it cool. The kid was a rebel and, as the ultimate rebel in the Batfamily, he had to like him. There was something so endearing about Damian. Sure he could be a pain in the neck but he was rather enjoyable to watch from an outsider's perspective. As much as he'd like to spur the kid on to continue being a thorn in Dick's side, he also liked not being in the goody two shoe's bad books. Once you were in there life was hell. 

As he waited Jason prepared a long-winded speech in his head, rehearsing certain lines but he couldn't help but find them not genuine. What he was thinking of saying was just some regurgitated content from lectures he had when he was Damian's age. It just didn't suit him to repeat them. Law and order wasn't his style. He'd have to wing it on this one. See how the conversation went then figure out this mess. He really regretted letting people know he was alive right about now. "Todd, what're you doing here?" Damian asked. Well, it came out as more of a demand to know than a request for information. The bell must've gone whilst he was thinking. "Goldie got tied up. Not literally this time. So I've got to take you home," he replied.

"Grayson has put you on lecture duty hasn't he?" Jason nodded with a sigh. "Well get it over with." He really liked this one.

"Right well, err." He paused. Should he just go with what Bruce said? It worked to an extent. He was about to go with that idea when he remembered what Bruce said wasn't always right. Dick is practically traumatized from the days where he was unable to fight back in fear of outing himself and his parental guardian. Jason had to deal with all sorts of slurs that would've easily been silenced with a quick punch to the balls. He didn't doubt Tim's life could've been made easier if he could've knocked some guy's teeth out to send a message. Then he thought about what Dick advised him back when he didn't take everything Bruce said as law. Back when he manipulated the rules for his own benefit. He mentally snapped his fingers upon finding the memory. He knew what to say, he just couldn't say it in public. "Hope on, I'll give you the lecture at the Manor," he ordered. Damian shrugged, took the extra helmet and hopped on behind him.

Once in the safety of Wayne Manor, Jason began his lecture. "Look, you can't beat people up at school. That's just how the world works," he began.

"I'm aware."

"But that's not to say you can never beat those kids up or at least intimidate them." Damian raised an intrigued eyebrow. This already deviated from the other lectures he'd received. "You've got a secret identity and it's no secret that identity is bezzies with the Wayne family. People won't get suspicious if Robin does some light threatening to help out his old pal Damian," he continued with a mischievous wink.

"Are you suggesting that I do what I can't do as Damian when I'm Robin? Surely that's not allowed," the teen objected. Bruce couldn't have heard this lecture beforehand. It was impossible that he ran it through with anyone before giving it. "Every Robin did it. Even golden child Dickie did it," he reasoned. "We bent the rules but technically didn't break them. You find the guy you're looking for at night and, depending on what they're doing when you find them, scare them." His advice seemed to get through to the younger who nodded thoughtfully. This probably wouldn't backfire in him in any way possible. "I will take that on board. I suppose you're not as bad as I thought you were," Damian admitted.

"Thanks, gremlin. Do me a favour and don't tell Dick about this, okay?"

"Not a word."

A few days later Jason got a phone call. From Dick. "You told him to beat them up as Robin didn't you?" he said through a long sigh. Jason just knew that he was pinching the bridge of his nose recounting it. He grimaced before admitting the inevitable. This will definitely get him in the bad books. "Uh yeah."

"He beat up three people and threatened another four since you told him that," he said in a dark tone. Oh, this was it. This was what was going to get Jason kicked out of the familial good books. "But he's been behaving in school since then. So, overall, you did good," he added, his tone now light and bright.

"Oh thank God. I thought I really fucked up then," Jason said with a relieved sigh. He heard the other cackle at him and tutted. 

"I've gotta give to you, you actually got through to him. Maybe you should give him more lectures."

"No fucking way."

Supergirl406 also helped with this so shout out to them

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