Harry Potter AU

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MemeLord27 has been waiting on this for a while as is everyone else who requested something but I swear I'm working on them all it's just taking time and this one took a SHIT TON of time since I had to do some research

The train back to Hogwarts was always an exciting yet sad time. On the one hand, you were going back to the only place you could be yourself without the threat of townspeople gathering pitchforks and setting up a pyre. On the other hand, you were leaving for boarding school with the people who made your life hell and leaving behind all your home comforts including your beloved pets. Weighing them both up, it was better than staying home and going to a muggle school. Robin sighed as the train pulled into the station and looked over to Bruce, his guardian. "You've survived two years, at least now you know the school like the back of your hand," Bruce assured him, fussing over his uniform. He licked his thumb and rubbed some dirt off the teenager's face. "I've still got to survive a whole lot more. I'm not even allowed to take Peanuts," he complained.

"Master Dick, you may have trained a Swooping Evil to eat nuts instead of human brains but that hardly makes it safe for your fellow students," Alfred explained. The younger folded his arms and scuffed his heel on the floor. 

"Who cares about them?"

"Oh Rob, you wound me so," Wally announced dramatically. Robin immediately perked up and whipped around with a grin. Standing behind him was the ginger Gryffindor he called his best friend and, depending on who you were, his boyfriend. "Fine. I care about one student," he replied. 

"I trust you'll take better care of him this year Wallace," Bruce said in a bitter tone. The ginger gulped at the man's intimidating presence, finally nodding when Robin hit him in the arm. 

"Y-yes, sir. Will do."

"Go easy on him sir. You know how people get when Slytherins and Gryffindors befriend one another," Alfred reminded him. People were still odd about these things even when it was hardly needed. Not every Slytherin was going to try and destroy the word and not every Gryffindor was going to save the world from the clutches of evil. "Indeed I do. Just keep safe this year, okay? I want letters every week and if you need to come home then I'll get you home."

"Same rules every year B. I'll be okay. See you at Christmas," Robin replied, hugging him tightly. Bruce held on tightly before the younger pulled away and grabbed Wally's hand to drag him onto the train. "I really hope things go well for him this time. He's one step away from removing all his bad memories. I don't want him to forget why he's with me," the billionaire wizard mumbled.

"I'm afraid only time will tell."

Robin and Wally found an empty carriage and quickly seized it as their own. They made sure to take off anything that connected them to their houses so those walking by wouldn't be able to see the vibrant colours through the warped glass. "It feels like forever since I've seen you," Wally complained, closing the curtains to the window facing the crowds of parents waving off their children. "You saw me last week," Robin giggled. The ginger sat back down and secretly held the other's hand out of view from any prying eyes.

"I'm used to seeing you every day," he argued. He received a chaste kiss on the cheek to ease his worries. 

"And you'll see me every day during term."

"Yeah but only when no one else is around. When can we actually be public with all this?" he asked. He asked nearly every time they were together but Robin couldn't get angry at him. He was just affectionate and wanted to be no matter what. It's just that they couldn't afford for it to be public with it all. Not only were they from different houses, but they were also two boys in a relationship. Sure people were getting more accepting but there were so many people at Hogwarts that there was sure to be a loud minority of people who'd have something to say about it. If that weren't enough, Robin was born of muggle parents. That was still looked down upon. Wally came from a long line of wizards and even hanging out with Robin had already damaged their reputation. Not that they really cared but Robin did. He cared too much about it all according to his partner. "When things get better," he replied coyly.

Just Robin Oneshots Part 2Where stories live. Discover now