[29. Plan Gone Wrong]

Start from the beginning

Stefan's lips dipped into a slight frown. "How often do you come here?"

"Not in a while," Lucy admitted, fully sitting up and resting her arms on her knees. "The last time I came here was September—when Joel told me about vampires. We used to come a lot more often to just sit in the peace and quiet and think."

"Well, what's on your mind?" Stefan asked, watching her carefully. He knew that the information Katherine gave her and Elena about the sacrifice was intense, maybe she needed to think about that?

Stefan could tell Lucy was hesitating to spill and he hated that she didn't want to talk to him like before. When had Lucy ever been hesitant to tell him anything?

"You can talk to me, Luce," he gave her an assuring smile. "I'm here for you."

Lucy sighed. "I'm just having some more memories."

"Of your life with Katherine?"

"No," Lucy shook her head. "the one I had this morning was with one of my siblings from my first life, Rebekah."

Stefan raised his eyebrows. "One of?"

"Yeah, Rebekah mentioned something about brothers, so I figured I had more than one."

Lucy didn't want to say anything about Elijah being one of those siblings. She didn't know how Stefan would react or if he would tell Damon—and who knows what Damon would do? From what they knew, Elijah was a bad guy and he was connected to Klaus—the ancient vampire who wanted to sacrifice her sister—somehow. Lucy didn't want to be grouped with them.

Besides, Elijah was dead. What was the harm in keeping this to herself?

Stefan nodded in understanding. "Did you want to see if you could find out anything? I can help you," he offered. "I just feel like we haven't spent any time together."

Lucy smiled and reached over, squeezing his wrist affectionately. "Thanks, Broody, but I doubt there's much more information about me being reincarnated that Katherine didn't tell me."

"Are you sure you can trust her, though?"

Lucy nodded. "With this, yeah." She saw the doubtful look on his face. "I know what she did to you, Damon, Caroline, and Jenna—"

"And you," Stefan interjected.

"And me," Lucy nodded. "But with all the things I'm remembering from my life with her, it's hard to distinguish between how Lucia felt and how I felt."

Stefan gently slipped his wrist out of her grip and grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers. "I'm sorry this is hard for you," he smiled sadly. "But I want you to be careful."

Lucy smiled back, ignoring the extreme set of butterflies making her stomach flip. "I will be, I promise." She nodded determinately. "Why were you looking for me?"

"Rose's friend, Slater—"

"The one Damon went to see with Rose the other day?"

"Yes," Stefan nodded, moving on. "He called Rose and told her that there's a way to release the curse from the moonstone."

Lucy perked up; if they could somehow release the curse from the moonstone, the sacrifice was useless. Elena could live and hopefully Klaus would never find out. But if he did...Lucy didn't want to think about it.

What was the likeliness that Klaus would find out anyway? The world was a big place.

"How are we gonna do that?" Lucy asked, hopeful that it was something plausible. "Katherine has the moonstone."

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