Chapter 21

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Chapter 21


Yugi blinked up at Atemu, "Your uncle?"

Atemu nodded. Their foreheads still pressed gently together. Yugi's confused look made Atemu feel like laughing despite the seriousness of the situation.

"Yes. My father's brother... Seto's father."
Yugi pulled back in shock, "Oh yeah! I completely forgot! Jou told me but... you guys just don't look anything alike I mean not that that's a requirement but, OK shutting up now... so... you're cousins?"

Atemu grinned at the display. Yugi could be quite eccentric when he wanted to be.

"Yes unfortunately," Atemu teased.

"The feeling's mutual." Came a voice from the doorway.

Atemu looked over to see the brunette CEO standing in the doorway, Jou behind him, looking a little pale.

"Jou!" Yugi called happily he ran over and was going to give the blonde a hug but thought better of it. He still seemed pretty worn out and who knew what pain he was feeling.

Jou saw Yugi hesitate, knowing Yugi was always thinking of others first. He gave a sheepish grin and pulled Yugi's head under his arm for a noogie.

"They let you go?" Atemu asked amusedly watching Yugi struggle in the headlock.

"Well, ya know, they were takin' a little longer than money bags here could handle, so he started writing down names and makin' threats an' well... we're here now!" Jou grinned ruffling Yugi's hair some more.

"I'm so glad you're OK." Yugi sighed as Jou let him go.

Atemu gave Seto a look, "I hope you didn't rush him out."

Seto rolled his eyes, "He's a grown man. He can take care of himself. And I believe there have been worse situations back in the kitchen where Jou was getting stitches put in without pain medication."

"I suppose so." Atemu said.

Seto turned to Jou, "You and Yugi give us a minute." It wasn't a request.

Jou nodded waving his hand as if he were bating at a fly out of his face muttering something that sounded like 'yeah yeah bossy brat' and Yugi, with a last glance and a small smile at Atemu followed Jou out the door. When they had rounded the corner out of the room Seto began to speak.

"He's back then? My pathetic excuse for a father?"

Atemu nodded, "Rebecca had a recording of a voice she heard while captured. Isis had heard the same voice in a vision. After listening to it, I'm sure it's Akenhaden."

Seto's entire body seemed to go rigid.

"That's what Mahado thought too. He had just said his name when we walked in." Seto remarked.

Atemu sighed, "I'm sorry Seto. I didn't think he'd ever come back."

"He's worthless. We'll get rid of him. He thought he deserved more than he got and left the family so he could go sulk. We were just kids." Seto squeezed his fists tight. "It makes sense now... how Zorc found out about Mahado..."

Atemu nodded. He hadn't thought of it that way. Akenhaden had stopped making contact right after Atemu left for Japan. Mahado shortly after that. Atemu began to wonder if keeping Mahado from going to Japan with Atemu was part of Akenhaden's plan all along. Did it all lead up to trying to get Mahado to betray him? Did Mahado know? Atemu doubted Mahado would have known much about Akenhaden given that he wasn't truly a part of the Kings. Atemu's father had never quite trusted Akenhaden enough to give him full inclusion into the Kings.

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