Chapter 9

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Three Kings ~ Chapter 9

Bakura walked the busy streets of Cairo, the King had to be around here somewhere... maybe the quartet had got lost? Or left already. Bakura exhaled deeply. This was bullshit. How was he supposed to help the King and Seto keep tabs on that moron of an adversary (Zorc) if they didn't let him know where they were going?

Sure, Bakura could use a cell phone, but he didn't trust the blasted things as far as he could throw them, which was pretty far... so that expression didn't help much. Technology and the white haired "Thief" just didn't seem to go well together.

In the sea of dark hair, Bakura saw a flash of color. Thinking it could be Atemu's blonde bangs or the mutt's mop that had caught his eye, he gave chase. As he turned the corner, the hair he saw turned out to be a longer main of white, similar to his own... this intrigued Bakura. He rarely found someone with such different looking locks, and for them to be in Egypt? Bakura decided to hang back and follow the boy.

As Bakura watched, he noticed that the boy had fair skin, and by fair, he really meant snow white kind of skin, and wore a traveler's backpack, obviously a tourist. The boy seemed intrigued by the things set out on display at the shops. Bakura slipped back to keep hidden, starting to wonder if he'd seen this boy before... Thinking on it now... The Pharaoh had sent Bakura to the look-a-like midget King's high school to set up the whole "internship" bologna... that was it! This kid looked like Bakura so much when he had seen him at Domino High School. But what was he doing all the way out in Egypt?

Bakura kept to the sides of buildings and followed the more innocent looking one into a back alley where the kid met up with a hooded figure, who unfortunately had his face not only hooded, but turned away from Bakura so that he couldn't get identification.

"They're staying at the Nile Hotel. Can I go now?" The white hair kid said in a huff.

"So impatient, Ryou!" Said the hooded figure, "Don't you care about payment?"

"You said she'd be safe if I did this."

"Oh she is! Don't worry your pretty little head about that! But I'm afraid you aren't exactly out of this yet..."

"I did what you asked... you didn't say I'd have to do more."

"You'll do as you're told, or she dies, and you'll be to blame." The voice came out like venom.

Bakura watched as the hooded figured grabbed the boy's arm and pulled him in close, whispering further instructions into the boy's ear. The boy's face twisted in displeasure as he listened to the instructions he was given, clearly put off by the idea that this guy had something on him.

Bakura wasn't able to hear any more of what the hooded figured said and couldn't go down the alley without exposing himself to the two. So he hung back at a shop right next to the exit of the alley way. The two had been talking about the same Hotel that the Pharaoh was staying in... he smelt something funny about the whole thing. It's not every day that some nobody is being blackmailed into trailing someone to a hotel on the same day that a Boss comes into town.

When Ryou emerged from the alley, an obvious annoyed look on his face, Bakura peaked back down to see if the other man would follow, but when he looked down the alley, the man was gone. Ryou seemed so irritated by his new instructions that he didn't seem to be paying attention to his surroundings, an amateur mistake. Satisfied that the hooded man was gone, he began to track the pawn. Surely this young boy would tell Bakura everything he knew with a little... persuasion.


The two men sat in their cramped closet.

"Are you sure it's going to work this time?" Asked the first.

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