Chapter 3

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Three Kings: Chapter 3


Yugi could feel the bounce of the car and every turn they made, it wasn't helping his nausea.

He still remembered seeing the blunt end of the pistol coming down on his head, then feeling a stinging pain on his skull, then seeing black, and then winding up in this stupid cramped trunk. Well, in all honesty it was a large trunk, but being tied up wasn't helping any claustrophobia he had been feeling. His breath smelled from the vomit and his throat stung, his leg was falling asleep... he just wanted to cry.


Atemu felt slight regret as the young boy fell to the ground unconscious, luckily missing the puddle of sick not far off. He couldn't trust him though. He'd already given Atemu a false name: Higure. This boy didn't seem like he could be any sort of spy, but there was no telling. For now, he'd have to take him with him and discuss further options with Seto and Mai.

Riding in the back seat, all Atemu could think of was the boy cramped in the back. He wondered how long he'd been truly listening. What if he didn't even hear anything? What was the point of dragging him all the way out here just to decide his fate? The cars slowed and pulled over to a dark black building, a closed restaurant. The driver and passenger, Franz, got out and went over to the trunk; Atemu let himself out and joined the two men to open the trunk.

The trunk popped open gently and Atemu looked over the boy, awkwardly crumpled against one side of the trunk, still tied, and with his eyes slightly red: crying?

"It's time to move it, kid." Said one of the thugs to Atemu's left.

The two goons lifted Yugi out of the trunk, not much caring if he hit his head on anything on the way up, as they started to drag him away Atemu watched carefully. He couldn't risk showing this kid any sort of compassion... at least for now.

Atemu walked towards the dark locked doors of the restaurant and pulled a set of keys from his jacket pocket. Unlocking the doors, he swung them open wide to allow the two carrying the boy through. As soon as the trio was inside, Atemu shut and locked the doors once again. Seto and Mai should arrive shortly, but they could use their own keys to enter.

When Atemu turned the two had set the boy at a booth and walked to guard the entrances, leaving the boy tied onto a wooden beam not far off. Sighing, Atemu made his way to sit.

"What are you going to do with me?" The boy asked.

"It depends on how well you cooperate. I would suggest first telling me your real name."

Yugi's glance shifted. He already gave them his address, and he was sure looking up a photo ID from his high school wouldn't be hard for them... whoever they were.

"It's Yugi." He said weakly, he was hoping his grandpa wouldn't be hurt, after all, they could find where he lived now.

In a moment, Atemu pulled out his cell phone and had entered something in using the keys. He sat the phone down to his side on the table between the two.

"Now, Yugi, who are you working for?" Atemu asked looking directly into Yugi's eyes.

Yugi's spine felt like it would shiver right out from his back, those eyes...

"I don't work for anyone. I don't even know who you are." Yugi tried to stay calm, and honest.

He had thought the fake name was a good idea at first, but now he had no idea who he was messing with. All he wanted to do was get out of here and back to normal life. Obviously honesty wasn't the only thing this guy needed though. Those crimson eyes were still staring through him. Yugi couldn't honestly think the intensity coming from the gaze was staring at him or he might have to look away, and he figured a move like that would make him look like a liar.

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