Chapter 2

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Three Kings: Chapter 2

Yugi kicked a rock as he walked down a back ally, still sore about the display Anzu had put on at the party. He was sick of being so freakin' attached to her. What did she ever do for him anyway? Yugi sighed and thought it over. It was just a crush really; Anzu was beautiful, nice, and a good friend, but nothing more. The high school student had to come to terms with that. He ran a hand through his hair, trying to shake out all the negative thoughts running through his brain. All he wanted now was to get home, and go to bed, sound asleep, like he should be in the first place.

Not really paying attention to how far his short cut was going off course, he looked up when he noticed headlights up the street. People? He noticed two cars parked on either side of a group of people. Yugi could make out at least 4, maybe 5 people standing around. Despite his better instinct. He was tired, nothing good had happened at the party, so he shimmied up against a warehouse and started making his way towards the group. He could now clearly see five people in the group, and start to regret getting so close. There was one guy with his back towards Yugi, which had wild spiked black hair with streaks of a color Yugi couldn't quite make out in the dark. Two guys in black suits stood to each side of the spiky haired guy.

The other two were a tall brunette... Yugi could have sworn he'd seen his face before. And a very shapely blonde who had a...


Strapped to her thigh he could now see that it was definitely a gun.

What the hell did he get himself into this time?


Atemu smirked as the two reluctantly ceased their bickering. They weren't the best of friends, but they were the best in the business. Mai and Seto both had a stubborn streak that clashed personally, but worked flawlessly on the job.

"So Mai," Atemu started, "Who's the Capodecina I should speak to?" 1

Mai sighed and looked away, "It might not be an issue but... Marik has been awfully... out of character lately. It makes me think he's up to something. He and Bakura were whispering like school girls one night and I happened to walk by, they clammed up immediately. Friendly as ever." She added sarcastically, "I don't know what they're up to but it makes me suspicious."

"Hm... And Malik? What's he been up to?" 2

"Malik's about as crazy as usual. Honestly, Atemu, I don't know why you hired the guy he's—"

"I know. Trust me. If I had family to take his place he wouldn't be in on this anymore. But he's useful. He gets the job done. And as far as family goes, well you both know that's quite limited for me."

Mai nodded and didn't say anything more.

"Seto. What are the figures like?" Atemu asked.

Seto opened a laptop that he had brought with him and turned it towards Atemu to see the graph that was displayed.

"What's this?" Atemu asked pointing to a dip on the charts.

Seto cringed, "A problem. That's for sure."

Atemu's crimson eyes flared up a bit, "What's the date on this."

"One week ago exactly."

The King's fist curled and he bit his lip, "You think it has to do with those three?"

"After hearing what Mai just said? Absolutely."

Atemu's muscles all seemed to coil, like a snake before a strike, he was furious. How dare those thieves try and pull money out of his pocket, out of everyone's pocket. When you steal from Atemu, when you steal from the boss—the King? You steal from everyone... and Atemu wasn't the kind of guy to just sit back and take it.

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