Chapter 16

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Three Kings: Chapter 16


Atemu had reluctantly left Yugi after he finished his breakfast, promising that it wouldn't take long to meet with Seto.

"Just going over numbers.' Atemu had smiled when he offered that explanation of the meeting to Yugi... but he didn't miss the look that Yugi gave to the gun strapped to his side.

Atemu now sat across from said brunette, having a very difficult time concentrating on the said numbers being displayed on the laptop screen.

"It's just odd--like this person knows where to pull funds..." Seto looked over to the glazed over Crimson eyes, "Atemu?"
"Yes. Sorry." He blinked the fog out of his eyes and nodded at Seto to go on.

Seto however, shut the laptop and faced Atemu.

"What?" Atemu asked.

"Exactly." Seto stated flatly, "Tell me what happened."

Atemu's eyes rolled up to the ceiling, "What happened to not talking about feelings?"

Seto wasn't fazed, "I need you to be focused on this. If that means talking it out then just tell me what the hell has got you so distracted. Please tell me you didn't scar Yugi for life. If he's a liability I should know."

Atemu's face flatted, "I did not scar him. I think...."

"Jesus, just tell me."

Atemu worried his bottom lip before explaining to Seto that he had kissed Yugi's cheek and called him cute, to his face, and then... had a dream...

"OK. Enough detail." Seto held up a hand, "I get the picture."
"But then this morning, he didn't want me to leave. I mean... that's a good sign right?"

"Well, duh. Look... I had a feeling you'd be... odd about coming clean about your feelings so I mentioned to Jou that he could potentially be a catalyst for your relationship."
"You WHAT?" Atemu nearly fell over in his chair.

"Look, Jou's not a total dumbass, and he can sometimes be clever about these things."

"You know I love Jou, but he is the furthest thing from clever..."

"Watch it--"

"I don't doubt his heart isn't in the right place, Kaiba, but I'm concerned that he'll be a little too obvious about... whatever he thinks he's going to do..." Atemu held his head in his hands.

He did really love Jou, who was a great friend to Atemu and obviously good for Seto, but so help him if this just turned into an awkward trip and scaring Yugi away... He decided not to think about that anymore.

"Alright. Good talk. Back to business." Seto said when he saw the look in Atemu's eyes change.

Atemu sighed and sat up straight, prepared to listen.

There was a knock at the door a few moments later and Seto gave the door the hardest side eye he could. The door opened and Bakura came in. The look in his eyes was positively furious.

"How did it go?" Atemu asked.

"Well good, but you're not going to like who is screwing us..."

Atemu leaned forwarded expectantly, "Well?"

"Gods I don't even want to say it..." Bakura gnashed his teeth.

"Out with it..." Seto's eyes narrowed coldly.

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