Chapter 5

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Three Kings: Chapter 5


Yugi watched as Atemu walked back towards the front exit of the restaurant. Turning shyly back towards his new room, he couldn't help but sigh. He still had so many questions... he didn't even get a real name... just "the King". How ominous.

Yugi started to think about his Grandpa, wondering if he was doing well, as he found a pair of simple blue pajamas in one of the drawers. There were several different sized pairs; he grabbed the smallest ones there were. They were still a little big for his tiny frame, but fit nonetheless. Yugi looked into a mirror in his room. Mai had told him that tomorrow he could just get adjusted to being here, but the day after that he'd have to start training for work. Hopefully working here wouldn't be too bad... who knew; maybe he could learn some good business strategies for the Game Shop? But... what if he got caught working here, since it's technically mafia run... could he be putting his Grandpa in danger? He'd have to ask the King next time he saw him.

Curling up in the cotton sheets, warmth enveloping him, Yugi drifted off into a peaceful sleep... crimson eyes flashing in his memory before complete darkness.


Morning light poured through the windows of Atemu's loft apartment in downtown Domino. Atemu had a meeting with Seto back at his offices at Kaiba Corporation. Hopefully the two of them could get closer to figuring out the financial problems, and hopefully they wouldn't have any interruptions this time.

The crimson-eyed Don checked himself in the mirror once more. Black suit, white shirt, and a silk black tie, complete with gold cuff links and of course his patent leather shoes. The outfit itself was simple, but it made Atemu look like a rock star. He grabbed his sunglasses, slipped them on, and headed out to his Benz in the parking lot.

"Good morning, Herr Kaji." Greeted his driver. 1

"Hey Franz."

"Where to?" Franz opened the door as Atemu slipped into the back seat.

"I need to see Seto. He should be at Kaiba Corporation's main headquarters."

"Yes sir. Right away." Franz shut the door and moved around the car to get into the drivers seat.

"Oh but, Franz?"

"Yes, Herr Kaji?"

"I need coffee."


Mai was wiping off the bar, working on setting up the registers before the lunch opening time. It was still only 8 in the morning, they generally opened at 11:30, and so she had enough time to get situated. It had been a late night with getting Yugi on the team. Luckily he'd be paid under the table, so at least she didn't have to deal with paper work bullshit that usually came along with a new hire. Mai couldn't decide if she should have Yugi working as a host, waiter, or bus boy. Atemu had mentioned working him as a waiter, but perhaps customers seeing Yugi's smiling face first thing as a host would be the best for the kid.

Mai grinned; the amethyst-eyed boy certainly had charm... she could see why Atemu wanted to keep him around... for more than just security purposes.

"Good morning, Ms. Mai." Came a voice form the hallway.

"Oh! Yugi! Good morning! You're up pretty early, you could sleep in if you needed." Mai suggested with a smile.

"It's OK, I'm used to waking up early... you know, school and all."

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