Chapter 7

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Disclaimer: I do not own YGO... -cries-

Chapter Warnings: Bodies, shameless attempts at beginning puzzleshipping, scary dream sequence(?), dueling? (without cards).

Chapter Summary: Yugi worries and Atemu comforts; mafia wealth is flaunted in the form of a private jet; Yugi eats breakfast with Bakura, Marik and Malik; Bakura and Malik duel (without cards!);


Three Kings: Chapter 7


Yugi's hands were shaking badly as he stood with Jou in a dimly lit room waiting for Mai to come pull them out. He still couldn't forget the look on her face, wild almost, with her pistol drawn and hair awry. That gun shot... had it hit someone? Was everyone OK?

'Is Atemu OK?' He found himself thinking over and over... telling himself he only cared so much because he didn't know the white haired guy, Seto didn't seem like the kind of guy to die in a gun fight, and Mai seemed alright besides the adrenaline rush... so where was Atemu...

"H-Hey Jou? Do you think it's over yet?" Yugi asked, he couldn't hide the concern in his voice.

"I dun know, Yug'... but we gotta stay put until Mai comes ta get us. I imagine she's worried about ya."

"Yeah I mean, they think I know something that could help out the enemies, right?"

Jou laughed and gave Yugi a wink, "Well yeah, and I think she's got a soft spot for ya!"

Yugi's tell-tale blush crept up once more. He felt happy knowing that. Some how, Mai was like the mother Yugi didn't have... 1

Jou had sat his pistol down near the door and relaxed. He had explained to Yugi that this room they were in could survive very well anything. Guns, fires, rocket launchers, probably. But he had his doubts on whether it could handle a nuclear bomb or not. Yugi supposed this was to comfort him that they were safe... but he still wasn't concerned for his own safety...

There was a knock at the door and Jou had his gun back in hand in a second. Standing close to the frame, he called out for the knocker to identify themselves.

Mai's shaken voice came back through the frame, "It's me."


"Jou, just open the damn door."

"Hey! What the hell is the point of having a freakin' password if we're never gonna use it?"

"Fine," She muttered something under her breath and then, "Dakota."

"Thank you." Jou swung the door open.

Mai stood there and held up a weak hand in a wave, "Hey guys. Bakura and Atemu are cleaning up."

"Great. What happened?"

Mai started leading them back through the living quarters and towards the front of the shop as she explained:

"Well, that asshole Zorc was trying to get Atemu to... well, to do something he didn't seem to want to do. The spoiled jerk must have been fed up with things not going his way and he gave that fat little—ugh..." Mai seemed to be trying to contain herself, "He gave the creep some sort of signal and Gelbelk pulled out his gun. I was faster. Right now his body is being moved."

Yugi froze, "B-body?"

The two turned to look at Yugi's quickly whitening face, "Uh, yeah... maybe you should hang back Yugi. I'll come get you in a second."

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