13. Operation: Fake Date

Start from the beginning

"You would have done the same for me, I'm sure," she said with a friendly smile.

"Lydia, if I saw a guy spike your drink and try to leave with you, I would be in fucking jail. For murder."

Before she could respond, there was a hard knock at the door. "New Orleans P.D." A voice said through the door.

I walked over and opened the door. A tall Hispanic man in a police uniform greeted me. "Sean Williams?"

"Yes, sir. Come in, please."

The officer came inside and the three of us sat around the dining room table in my room.

"Well, let's get started with what happened. We have the woman in custody who drugged you. She described the woman she claims paid her off."

He unfolded a piece of paper and sure enough, it was PSYCHO Amy. "That's her. She's been stalking me for some time. I've had to move and change my phone number. I have a restraining order out on her in New York."

The officer nodded. "Alright. Well, now that we know this sketch is accurate, we will get all the information you know about her and have the other officers looking for her. We can bring her in once she's caught."

"How is she tracking me?" I asked aloud.

"Well," Lydia said, and I just realized how quiet she's been. "I spoke to Anne last night and we think she put a tracker on your car."

"Who's Anne?" The officer asked suspiciously.

"She's my assistant in New York," I answered before looking back to Lydia. "A tracker on my dad's car?"

"Yes. I didn't know where to look for one and I didn't want to leave you alone last night. I figured we could check today."

The officer rose from his chair. "We'll have a look at your car and see if we find anything. I just need you to write down everything you know about this stalker."

I wrote down everything I knew about her and handed the officer the paper. This was all so crazy. I couldn't believe this was happening.

The officer left and promised to reach out to me within the hour.

"Are you okay?" Lydia asked in a soft voice.

I didn't even know how to answer that. "I don't know. This is—Unbelievable."

"Do you want to leave New Orleans? In case she's here?"

I didn't want to put Lydia or myself at risk by staying here. But, I also didn't want to run scared. I promised Lydia a weekend in this city, and I wanted to keep that promise.

"No, I don't want to leave."

"Me either," she said with a smile before asking, "What do we do?"

PSYCHO Amy was clearly more obsessed with me than ever. She was obviously jealous and was under the impression there was something going on with Lydia and myself. Maybe we could use that to our advantage...

"Lydia, do you trust me?"

She raised an eyebrow at me as she said, "Yes."

A smile broke out on my face. "I have a plan that will help us get rid of PSYCHO Amy."


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