Um, Let's Not

Depuis le début

The servers bow to every individual seated. None look particularly pleased to be here, and their eyes stay to the floor. Ichigo can't help but frown at them, the guilt eating him up. And they aren't going to be paid either. He bites his lip to keep him from saying something stupid.

"Dig in!" Someone cheers at the table. Ichigo isn't the only one to acknowledge the servers' attitudes. Inoue and him share a look.

"What's wrong?" Rukia nudges him. "I thought you'd be hungry after all that training."

"I am," he nods slowly.

"Then what's wrong?"

"Little things, I guess."

Inoue and Ichigo do eat, but that doesn't stop them from glancing at each other in discomfort. Rukia is okay with this? Then again, she is a noble, and before Byakuya adopted her, she'd kill for food if that's what it took to eat. Thinking that way made the guilt go down - even if only a little.

"I need a drink!" Rangiku proclaims after belching.

"Rangiku-chan!" A Shinigami gapes.

"What? I just burped."

"I would've expected it more from the only boy here than you."

Ichigo gets a terrible idea. He takes a gulp of his drink, and then proceeds to belch louder than Rangiku. The girls gawk in disgust.

"What? I'd hate not to meet your expectations," Ichigo shrugs.

And that's how Rangiku and him get into a belching contest. No, he is not joking. The girls at the table cringe at every one, and it brings happiness to him. What's even better? Rukia joins in, and that's the only encouragement Inoue needs.

"Spending time with humans has corrupted you," Momo jokes to Rukia and Rangiku.

"What are you blaming humans for? Rangiku was always this gross," Ichigo states, sticking his tongue out at the blonde.

Her response is to peg a fork at him, to which he dodges. Rukia seems to be the only one that caught his phrasing. He didn't include himself with humans.

"But Rukia lives with you, Ichigo. I'd be surprised if you haven't done the deed yet," Rangiku teases.

"The deed?" The two echo.

"Yah know - do the do."

"Oh," Ichigo realizes. "You think we slept together."

"What?" Rukia flushes.

"Did you?"

"No. I'm not an animal, and she's not a toy," he scoffs.

"Your mother raised you right," someone laughs.

Rukia and Inoue grimace. He would, too, to be fair.

"I raised me," he corrects. "Because it's common sense and being a decent person."

The meal was free, so they left without paying. Everyone goes their separate ways, and the three friends slowly wonder around the Seireitei. The sun is just about to set, and the air is cooling the land quickly.

"So what now?" Ichigo asks as they walk the winding roads.

"I have arranged for your stay at the Thirteenth Division's barracks. The rooms are private, and Captain Ukitake decided they're your's for whenever you come to the Soul Society," Rukia states.

"Really!" Inoue exclaims like a giddy child. Bystanders stare for a short while at the noise. "That's so nice of him!"

"I guess," Rukia smiles at her.

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