*End of Flashback*

Ever since then Koneko has been affectionate to me and would always reveal her Nekomata features when I am around but 4 days ago I began to have feelings for her and one night I confess to her which made her happy and since then i always see her sleeping on top of me when I woke up and we both announce our relationship to the others the next day which made them all happy for us well except for Issei who cried anime tears and yelled that how the world is cruel to him which got him a punch by Koneko.

Also Sona didn't mind sharing me with Koneko as the two of them talk about it 3 days ago when she visited me while

As I we were enjoying ourselves Aurora alerted me of something.

Aurora:'Master there are a group of the Khaos Brigade spying on you'.

Leo:'thank you Aurora can you show me there location'.

She showed me there location and I excuse myself telling the others that I am have something to do.

As I arrive in a seclude part of the mansion I teleported immediately behind the ones spying and throw the to the shadow dimension.

(3rd POV)
A few minutes Leo left saying that there is some he needs to do leaving the group.

Asia: where do you think Leo is going?

Akeno:I don't know probably hiding something that will surprise us.

As they were continue to talk Issei notice Rias reading a book with a weird dragon symbol on it with the title of 'The Mystical Dragon God'.

Issei:what are you reading buchou?

Rias:oh nothing just an old legend about a mysterious Dragon that appeared in the great war.

Issei:really what does the Dragon looks like?

Rias:it's unknown as no one has ever to tell what it looks like.

Just then Asia came over and look at the book that Ria's holds.

Asia:wait I've read that book before.


Asia:yeah the one who take care of me in the orphanage told me this when I was young when everytime I don't go to bed she always say that it lurks in the shadows and strike you at night.

Issei:must be a scary dragon hey Ddraig have you heard of him before.

Just then Issei Gaunlet appeared and Ddraig spoke to them in fear.

Ddraig:yes it was something that I could not always forget on what he did to me.

This confused the group on why he is afraid

Rias:wait you seen this Dragon before Ddraig?

Ddraig:yes infact he was known to be the origins of all dragons and also known as The One True Dragon God and also a Dragon that we angered.

Issei:wait what do you mean you anger him.

Ddraig:he was angry at that time when we fought him the reason why he was angered is unknown to me he didn't even used 1% of his power to defeat us.

Everyone was surprise at what they heard what Ddraig said next made them even more surprised.

Issei: can you show me what it looks like?

Ddraig:are you sure about this once you see this you will all regret what you are about to see?

Everyone just nodded welm except for Crimson and White as they already knew what happened in the past.

High school Dxd:The Dragon God Of The Unkown.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt