Chapter 23

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~prayer solves every worries ~


The beeping of the computer, the hospital scent and the distance noisy environment I was in made me feel more pain and uncomfortable.


I remembered when I was being chased by Amnah, that was when everything happened I hit the gigantic cupboard in Amnah's room and the box that was sitting on the top fell on my head......... that was the last thing I could remember.
The next time I opened my eyes I found myself in the hospital....

Doctor! Is he going to be alright, Amnah asked?

Yes ma'am, he just suffered a minor head injury, he's going to be fine.

I really hope so!

Maa, Amnah shouted from afar, she ran after her and gave her a warm hug while sobbing.

My dear, stop crying! He's going to be fine I promise, wiping Amnah's tears.

Both families were present so as Aarif and Aamir's colleagues, they all filled up the room and before you know it, the room turned into a small occasion.

After a while, a nurse came in and made an announcement.

Excuse me everyone, the nurse called all their attention.
Please this is a hospital not a market square, you've filled up this room and you know the patient needs rest.
So please you should be seeing him one after another, or else no one will enter this room again, this is the rule of the hospital and you have to abide by it. I leave you in peace, she left silently.

Okay, everyone should go home and rest I will stay here with Aamir, Amnah intruded.
It has been a long day, and I'm quite sure you all are tired, you shouldn't worry I am here for him.

Amnah are you sure it's OK? Maa asked.

Yes mama!

They bid each other goodbye and left as soon as possible.


Babe tell me what you want, Amnah asked.

All I want is you Amnah, stay with me here tonight.

You don't need to worry I'm here for you, I will be here with you.

They chatted all night until they were fast asleep, Amnah slept on the bed side chair while she placed her head on the bed. She didn't seem comfortable because she just wants to be close to Aamir ignoring the fact that there was a bedlike chair at the other side of the room.


The next morning, Aamir was discharged from the hospital.

Amnah took care of everything before they left for home.
Their driver came as soon as Amnah called him, he helped in carrying the hamper and other stuffs that was being brought to the hospital and took it to the car.
After they hopped into the car, the driver ignited the car and vamoose.

It was a thirty minutes drive, before they arrived home.

Amnah called for help then Aarif came in a jiffy, he lifted him up from the car and placed both Aamir's hands on his shoulders, Amnah helped by opening the door for them, she shut the door as soon everyone entered and their driver keeping all the stuff at the core of the living room. He left after doing that.

Aamir was taken to his room to bed rest as ordered in the hospital.

Amnah went to make lunch for everyone, to be clear everyone was at Aamir's residence.
Manal helped in the kitchen, they made Yam porridge with fish in it.

After done, Manal tidied the kitchen while Amnah went and served everyone.

Once settled, Amnah grabbed a bowl and put some yam porridge in it which was Aamir's, she was about to go upstairs when Maa stopped her.

Keh! Come back here, where are you going now.

Mama I want to go and feed Aamir she uttered slightly audible.

You know that you are about 5 months pregnant and you are stressing your self too much ehnn!
You should go and rest, I myself will feed him, he's my son too.

No, no, no, I will feed him Mummy Aamir interrupted, you've been trying a lot so let me help.

Please, I should do it, mama insisted.

And the argument continued, until Aamir's dad intruded, what is all this about. You should just leave his wife to feed him, I promise you all that he will appreciate her more than any of you. So please calm down and get back to your food let her do it.
My daughter in law is a strong woman, I know she can handle it, and moreover she will be sitting not standing and it's not like it's a stressful thing, let her be Madams !

Thanks dad, I know you will be the only one to sort this out and hopefully you did, thank you Amnah uttered and left for Aamir's room.

But why did you support her, is it because you are a man and you don't know how women feels when they are pregnant, Aamir's mum asked!

No wifey, I'm sure Aamir needs her now and she needs him to, don't you see how she was happy as I let her go.

Oh! I see, Aamir's mum said.


Habibty you have to eat something, at least even if it is one spoon, Amnah begged.

I'm not hungry, okay?

I've been going easy on you, now you have to eat it no matter what.

Please, please I'm not in the mood of eating anything.

Okay then what mood are you in for?

Uhmm... You, baby!

Aamir what do you mean?

Understand me, Amnah!

Look if you won't explain properly I'm going down there and report you to everyone and you know what will happen, right?

OK, if you want me to eat this food, I need to romance with my wife for just five minutes.

But, but...

Shush! Amnah just this once.

I could feel his breath fanning my nose, as his lips was coming close to mine I felt like a thousand of butterflies were dancing in my tummy.
I shut my eyes and waited for it, it was a warm kiss and I loved it, I felt like to have more but I know how it's going to end and everyone is here someone might just bumped into the room and BOOM we are caught!

I released myself from his hold and finally spoke, so you have did what you want, now it's my turn you have to eat all of this food.

She feed him and he joyfully ate it all, without saying a word.

Amnah went and washed the plate, while everyone was in the sitting room watching, she sneaked back to Aamir's room before anybody noticed her and decided to spend the rest of the day with him............


Hello everyone, long time no read right, accept this chapter as a token of my apology to all.

Reminder : Like I told you before, AMNAH is almost over, I can smell the end...
I will like you all to keep following me in my last days, it will be more interesting and fun I promise you.

Thank you ❤️❤️

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