"I'm glad that you got rid of the former agent Viper," Boonluang spoke as the cabin closed and the pilot turned the engine; the plane taxied into the runway and prepared to run. "Her transgression has been finally been paid – in full if I may add."

Words fallen on deft ears, Boonluang chuckled at his granddaughters patience; he was quite pleased with her attitude – the one he branded upon her. He did not wish for her senses to taint over a girl, who was nothing to begin with; he wants her to give him a worthy heir of their empire.

Boonluang took a sip of his drink and stood up, then approached the black cased, portable gramophone just near the long sofa; he wound it up just enough and placed the needle at the far end of the disc. A soft melody played, nearly melancholic as each string of the violin sustained; it soothed both of them as Boonluang took a file and placed it on the table by Lisa.

"Lalisa," Boonluang called to her, but she did not open an eye, "The details of this mission is in that file," he explained as Lisa slowly opened her eyelids and turned to him, he had his eye on the file as Lisa noted where it was. "This might be the biggest mission we will do."

Opening the file, Lisa looked at its contents and found the reports very peculiar; there were a few pages that caught her eye – pages written sorely by hand, that looked nearly archaic from the yellowish hue of the page and its abnormal odor. Boonluang noted the blank expression on Lisa's face and could not discern what she thought about; he could sense her distinct lack of interest in the handwritten pages.

"Those were," Boonluang spoke as Lisa eyed him from the corner of her eye, "Written by father, your great grandfather."

"Great grandfather?" Lisa queried as she examined the pages and noted the odd cursives in the ink; she did not expect her great grandfather would have such poor penmanship. "Why show me this?"

"Because you and I," Boonluang stood up and put a hand on her shoulder as Lisa looked up to him, "Will be the ones to triumph over his failure – the very one that killed him."

For a moment, the two of them held their stare and Lisa could sense something sinister behind her grandfather's piercing brown eyes that almost sent a shiver down her spine; her eyes followed him as he returned to his seat and gazed into the blood red wine inside his glass.

What could you be planning? Lisa thought as she steered her eyes away from him and kept on reading the reports; some of them were new, but most of them were of her great grandfather's own observations. She cannot understand half of his handwriting, but got the gist of it; there was a much more powerful non-mortal out there – the mother of them all as he described it.

Standing up, Lisa proceeded to the back of the plane and looked around; there were not a single means of entertainment apart from the lovely music that played. It has been a while since she has heard the strings lull her; as she thought of it, she wondered where her iPod had gone.

"Better get some rest, Lalisa," Boonluang spoke as he poured himself another glass, "We have a long flight ahead of us."

Lisa noted his scent and found it odd; he appears to be plotting something. With great reluctance, Lisa lied down on one of the beds in the rear of the jet; she stared at the ceiling of the plane as the lights dimmed on her. She kept her eyes open in the dark as she let her mind listen to the sweet caress of the strings.

Slowly, she felt her eyelids drop as she kept her body straight; she was not one to toss and turn. Her mind felt calm and relaxed as her breathing softened; her heart drummed steady and soon enough, she was in her dream.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2022 ⏰

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