Chapter 9

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Amethyst and I hugged then spinel hugged us amethyst backed up and "what are you doing here!" "So let me explain" she summoned her whip and pulled me towards her "get away from him you monster!" Spinel want there "huh?" "A monster? Where I don't see it" she jumps back again "you're it!" She pointed to spinel "ooh ready or not here I come" streaches and goes behind her "boop" she touches her head and runs then stops "oh I forgot to say you're it" she streaches and touches her again "okay tag you're it!" She runs laughing "what the heck is this about?" "She doesn't remember attacking us she doesn't even remember that thing" I pointed over to the large injector we gasped spinel came over "you guys not know how to play tag?"we ran to the others the life was dying quickly "lapis bismuth peridot!" "What's the damage?" Amethyst asks "Amethyst get away from me I can't stand to see you with out a personality" "yo I'm back you dip" "oh well you're just in time for the end of the world this is no ordinary injector what ever is leaking into the ground is toxic to all organic life even iris is affected that is why she garnet and pearl are far away" "why?" Amethyst asked "Well she's currently a baby that's all we can think of right now but let's get a scan going and see what we're dealing with" peridot got a piece of the infected ground and put it in her microwave thing it gives out a reading "just as I thought bio poison pure and cut at this moment the drill has drained 15.4% of it's contents the poison is releasing at a destruction rate of 5 cubic feet per hour giving us 41 hours until the destruction of all organic life on earth" "all organic life" "yeah like the plants the animals the insects people and iris as well" "oh no this was what spinel meant my human half wont stand a chance against my injector now it's gonna kill me and everyone on earth even iris and the diamonds will be really upset i've gotta do something" I ran to the injector "no steven wait!" Bismuth shouted "steven! Stop!" "Carful!" "What is that clod thinking!" "Yeah lift with your legs" I was trying to lift the injector out of the ground but I dropped it and shook the ground I fell back poison got on my arm the ground opened up underneath me I almost fell then spinel got me out from there just in time "well look what I reeled in "steven!" "Are you okay?" "My organic jacket I lifted my shirt my gem's light was flickering "i can't do anything with my powers like this bismuth lapis can you lift that thing peridot what about your metal powers" "you think we didn't try that" "that will make the poison spread faster and it might explode we have to find a way to move it without touching it before it's too late" "spinel she activated it so she must be able to stop it she doesn't even remember what it is let alone how to control it" "then we must bring her back" "no way she's cute and loves us now but if we bring her back she'll try to destroy us and won't listen or even take out the injector" "you're going to die anyway if you don't get her to deactivate that thing" "she's right steven you got me back what ever you did for me just do it for her" "thats different I know you I don't know anything about her none of us do except pearl she knew her but I order to her back she needs to have iris disappear like mom did so we need iris back first" "and how are we gonna do that?" "We've all lives with her for her entire life well except you three but the two of us can figure something out" "yea we gotta try come on let's go find them!" We ran to the city where dad pearl garnet and iris were by dad's garage "hey garnet May we borrow iris for a moment?" "You're not gonna bring her closer to that thing are you?" She asked "no no why would we do that just give me the baby and everything will be fine" I went to grab her but garnet turned away from me "no you're gonna hurt her" "no i'm not why would I hurt her" "because you're gonna bring her close to that wooden structure and she'll get hurt because it's too close to that big thing" "no I'm not i would never want to hurt iris" pearl got in between is "my glowey diamond doesn't want to be with you she'd rather be with the fusion" I looked at amythest she nodded I distracted them as she sneaked around and snatched iris from garnet we ran pearl and garnet chased us "amethyst run!" I shouted we were scared that pearl was gonna pummel us while iris over here was laughing and having the time of her life once we got closer to the house she started coughing we got inside we went into her room and placed her on the bed "now what do we do" "garnet and pearl won't be far behind so we gotta figure out something quick" "what about her bear thing that blue diamond made her" "that's on homeworld remember" "right" we looked at iris she smiled but then started coughing again "we need to get her back really soon" we looked at her gem it was starting to loose colour "really soon" "what do we do?" "I don't know"

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