Chapter 6

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It's been two years since I found out about Azula I'm 15 now. grandma was reading a book to the camera thing that blue and yellow pearl were recording with. "and now gems of homeworld steven is finally ready to take his place on pink diamond's throne!" Steven turned facing the camera "how's it goin everybody! I know you all might be thinking of me as the new pink diamond but you don't have to put me on the throne, I already have a rightful place and that's on earth with my friends" my family leans forward "what?" "It's a beach house where I live with my friends garnet amethyst pearl and some times iris as much as I love dismantling the empire ant saving all your planets I can't wait to get home and spend some quality time with my friends" grandma's eyes widened "cut the feed!" "Your time is up anyway" I snickered yellow pearl's my favourite their screens went off line they rushed somewhere else steven looked at them "I think that went well" he exclaims "Steven please" grandma whined "you cant go" Mum added "you must stay" "you're all we have left of pink" grandma got on her knees "Steven you belong here with us" he looks uncomfortable "uh thanks but no thanks" then they start singing "come live with us in the palace there's a room waiting for you" "come on"ym "come on"m "come on" "just let us adore you" he start's backing up to the warp pad "you guys are getting really good at showing affection but i've got my own life to get back to and don't forget I'm not pink diamond" they surround him I joined him on the warp pad "yes we know that you're not her but you were her you know what it meant to love her and you remind us so much of her" "thanks but I really gotta go" "me too" I mumbled I love them but they can be a bit much. Okay a lot much "but steven" "i've disbanded my army's I liberated my colonies" mum told us "I never shatter I never make anyone cry" "I say please and thank you even to lower life forms" I put my hands on my hips "what did we say?" I pouted grandma rolled her eyes "equal life forms steven iris we've done everything you've asked" "great good job bye" "bye I'll see you later" we warped away "oh she's gonna be in trouble when she get's back" i heard mum say before we got fare enough away from homeworld we landed on earth  Connie was reading "steven iris what took so long?" She came over to us and hugged steven he sighed "her parents they really want me to move in" "why?" "Because they wanna smother me with attention twenty four seven" "welcome to my world" Connie giggled and walked away "sound's fun" "no it doesn't" "it really isn't" I added "we'll I'm glad I got to see you both before heading out" she opened the door "you're really going through with it?" We walked out with her "of course I always wanted to go to space camp" "but you literally went to space multiple times" "and you've done way cooler stuff than just camping" "my parent's are doing what they can to support my interests it's sweet" I wish my moms did that we went inside steven's room "plus I get all the freeze dried ice cream I can eat" she grabbed her bag "but Sadie killer and the suspects are playing tonight isn't a rock show a little bit better than space camp" she squinted her eyes "I think it's equally cool to space camp" steven chuckled Connie's phone buzzed she picked it up "that's my mom I should get going" Connie hugged me then steven she blushed and kissed his cheek he blushed "okay bye" she went down the stairs he smiled I hugged his arm with my shoulder "you like her don't you" "no" I stared at him "yeah I do" he quickly rushed out to the balcony "tell everyone at space camp that it used to be scary but it's cool now" he shouted "I will" she shouted back 

Here we are in the future
Here we are in the future and it's bright
Nothing to fear
No one to fight
I can't believe we've come so far
Happily ever after here we areOnce upon a time, I thought I'd always be in my mother's shadow
Answering for her crimes I thought I'd always be in an endless battle
Until I began to own
A power all my own
That I could feel growing stronger every day
And now I saved the world
Not just that- the whole galaxy saved
We did it!Here we are in the future!

Steven went outside I followed but by teleporting cuz why not we ran out he pet cat steven we went to pearl and Greg "hey pearl hey dad" "hi steven iris" Greg puts his bass down "steven iris I'm learning to play the bass" "I keep telling her it's bass" "excuse me b-a-s-s spells bass" Greg takes off his sunglasses "you're the boss" I giggle "yes I am" she jumps on the roof of the van 

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