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Start from the beginning

But then again there were not many things she knew about this man, if fact she knows nothing about him and it goes to show how stupid and insecure she was.

Who said that stopped her from lusting after him though.

She began shaking her head as Dario reached for her. Cybil pulled back in her seat hoping that it would just swallow her. Not wanting to think that this might be her last moment.

Dario leaned forward and forcefully yanked her to him. Cybil began thrashing in his arms determined not to go down with a fight. She tried hitting him anywhere her small hands found access.

She knew how ridiculous she looked right then and there. If it were another case she would have cringed and gag at her feeble attempt of defending herself from a possible 300 pounds of muscle, but she had to try for the sake of her sanity, knowing that she didn't go out without a fight... That she didn't die in vain.

It was clear that Dario had , had enough of her antics when he sat her between his strong thighs and wrapped his arm around her chest. Cybil kept wriggling. A menacing sound left Dario's lips as his thighs and arm clenched her even tighter around her small frame. His knuckles brush against her skin as he shifted her curls to one side . He then kissed the junction between her neck and shoulder blade. Cybil shuddered at the sensation, after she finally calmed down, accepting the fact that the was no point in trying to fight him.

Dario did the unexpected when he grasped one of Cybils heavy moulds in his large hand and ran his thumb over her turgid peak, resulting an audible gasp from her. Dario groaned, dipping his head into her neck after pressing her further into his groin where the telltale tent was present.

" I can't wait to take you to the greatest heights of pleasure" He whispered huskily, then groaned when Cybil's bottim moved unintentionally against his tight slacks.

Though he wanted to say to help with it and have his way with her, he fought against his desires and plunged the syringe where he had previously kissed. He then removed the cloth from her mouth.

Cybil could feel herself shutting down as the drug worked quickly on her body. She tried to form a coherent sentence, but she was just too exhausted and dizzy.

Dario, fully aware of what she was going through, pecked her lips before she finally succumbed to her body's wish.

Cybil groaned in her sleep, as the throbbing in her head became unbearable. She began to notice all the other pains she was feeling, like the burning sensation in her throat whenever she swallowed or the aching in her limbs after being tied up for so long. Her breasts felt tender for some reason and she was starving. To sum that all up, she felt like shit and she bet she looked equally as how she felt.

She opened her eyes but immediately closing them due to the bright lights. Then after allowing her eyes to adjust, she began to sit up awkwardly due to her hands being tied up on the headboard , grimacing as her sobered joints ached from the movement. She took in her unfamiliar surroundings, noticing that she was in what seems to be a empty bedroom ( in the sense that no-one was occupying it) . She couldn't deny the beauty that came with it. The design was modern as the built-in furniture suited well with the cream coloured walls, and the well designed reading nook at the window with fluffy pillows stood out and the night stands had modern lamps which illuminated the room brightly. She couldn't help but sunk herself into the warm duvet of the massive bed.

That's until all thoughts came rushing in like a tidal wave.

Where am I ?

What do they want ?

Why has Dario put me through this ?

How can I escape?....... Can I even?

How long is he keeping me ?

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