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Todoroki POV

I had no idea what Kat had planned but he was basically storming off in excitement through the trees. He occasionally stopped so I could catch up. "Kat, where are we going" I asked several times and every time I got the same answer "you'll see when we get there, trust me it'll be worth it" I knew he liked mountain climbing but usually it was actual climbing, not hiking.

I followed him until he suddenly stopped "close your eyes" I did as he demanded, he gently took my hands and led me forwards. It felt like he was testing that I trusted him which of course I did. "Kat seriously what's going on?" I laughed as he led me further up.

We stopped moving shortly after "stay here" he let go of my hands and I stayed put. I heard footsteps and rummaging before he came back. "Okay open your eyes" I did as I was told and was met with a beautiful view and the scenery wasn't bad either. In the middle of the clearing was a nicely set up picnic.

Without even realising it I had started crying "Sho what's... did... did I do something wrong?" This hot head seemed to know exactly how to make me emotional even if he didn't know it. I couldn't form any words so I just cried happily into Kat's arms as he hugged me.

Once I calmed down a little I tried to explain myself "you didn't do anything wrong Kat. This is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me" I took a deep breath and Kat wiped my remaining tears away. We sat and started to eat when I heard something coming up the mountain. I chose to ignore it hoping it was just the wildlife.

"Kacchan... Todoroki..." Midoryia paused taking in the sight of the two of us before him. I finished chewing before I looked at him "Midoryia? What are you doing up here?" He had never shown any interest in hiking or mountain climbing. "Oh... n-nothing j-just decided to go for a walk and I heard something up here while I was passing by so I thought I would check it out but I didn't expect you two to be up here as well what are you guys doing up here anyway?"

I was surprised he hadn't passed out from lack of air. Then I realised he had asked a question "NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS DEKU NOW CAN YOU PLEASE LEAVE ME AND MY BOYFRIEND ALONE" Kat yelled. His outburst made me jump but I smiled a little because it was the first time he had called me his boyfriend in front of someone else. I also appreciated that he was trying to be polite, at least he had said please whilst yelling for us to be left alone. It was a start.

"Sho, you okay, you're kinda on fire" I had combust without realising it. I used my right side to put the fire out "you... you just... called me your boyfriend" I stuttered. I saw a smirk grow on his face "yeah I did" he pulled me in close "and it's because that's exactly what you are and from now on I promise that's not gonna change"

He gave me a gentle kiss on the lips "and if I ever start to doubt myself again I won't be such an ass about it. I'll actually talk to you because damn it Shoto I love you" I could feel my face getting warmer again and even had to check I hadn't caught fire again. My heart was beating frantically in my chest as though it was trying to escape.

It had been the perfect date. Kat packed away the left overs and hid them in in a nearby bush. I could only assume he would collect it later. We strolled through the woods hand in hand making our way back to the rest of the group. "Okay kids pack your bags it's time to head back to school" Mr Aizawa informed us before climbing onto the bus and zipping up his sleeping bag.

"HEY LOOK BAKUGO AND TODOROKI ARE HOLDING HANDS THAT'S GAY!" we heard someone from class B shout. Kat being the person he was took it as a challenge "YEAH AND? AT LEAST I'M NOT A FUCKING COWARD! HIDING BEHIND MY DAMN CLASS TO INSULT SOMEONE! WHY DON'T YOU COME INSULT ME TO MY DAMN FACE! STUPID FUCKER!" I had to physically hold him back. "Kat, it's okay, let them think what they want about us. I only care what you think of me so as long as you're thinking good things about me, I'm perfectly happy"

Once we got on the bus Aizawa started talking "so this wasn't just a training camp it was also your final exam. Most of you passed with flying colours but some of you failed" he paused as Present Mic handed him a piece of paper. "Okay so in no particular order students who passed are Bakugou, Jiro, Kaminari, Tokoyami, Shoji, Hagakure, Iida, Yaoyorozu, Ashido, Asui, Kirishima, Uraraka, Ojiro, Sato, Sero and Todoroki which means Midoryia, Aoyama, Koda and Mineta failed"

I felt bad for the four that failed, they wouldn't be able to become pro heroes. "We did it" Kat whispered to me kissing me gently on the cheek. "Yeah, we did" I smiled at him. This would mark the start of a new life.

Okay so this is the end of this because it's like a whole lot of chapters long but I still have ideas (aka the traitor) so imma put that into a second book 💖 also this has reached 23 in #bnhafanfic thank you so much 💖💖

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