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Bakugo POV

I shut the door quietly behind me and handed the tea and half the food to Icyhot. "You need to eat and you definitely gotta hydrate" I stated. He hesitantly took what I was offering and sat on his bed. I sat on the desk chair and ate my food while he ate and drank.

He looked like he was about to say something when someone knocked the door. I didn't care who it was I just needed to hide. "Coming" Icyhot replied before pointing at a spot right behind the door where I could hide. He opened the door "did you want something Midoryia?"

Of course it was fucking Deku. I just hoped he hadn't seen me up here. Before I knew it Icyhot was shutting the door. He headed back to the food I had brought him.

"Did you mean what you said before?" He asked once he was done eating. "Look, Icyhot, I'm not saying I care about your problems but, yeah, I guess I understand where you're coming from. Now are you ready to talk about it?"

He froze in his tracks "I won't tell anyone what you say as long as you don't tell anyone I helped you got it" I added. I knew I wasn't very good at this but I figured the less people that knew about whatever was going on the better. I had a general idea of what had happened but I couldn't understand why he would suddenly be like this.

"So" he made me jump slightly from the sudden noise "I told you about my training session with my father, but I didn't tell you how bad it really was" he began to tell me how his dad basically beat the shit out of him because he hadn't passed the provisional licensing exam how he had done the same thing when he lost to me at the sports festival and also after finding out he hadn't got top score at the entrance exam.

"Why do you let him treat you like that?" I asked without even thinking. He looked away again obviously it was an attempt to calm himself down "hey look at me okay, I can't help you if I don't know everything"

He looked back at me with a tear stained face. I think I broke him. I panicked a little and reached for his tea. "Here drink this. I'm sorry I didn't mean to...." I started to say before he cut me off "what are you sorry for. You're not the one that makes me feel useless. Yes you yell and yes you can be rude but beneath it all you do actually care even if you don't want to admit it, you do care and you push us all to do our best"

Damn Icyhot was right. I guess I do care after all. "Yeah, well, I guess it's easier for me to be that way. No expectations from anyone and no way to disappoint those around me" why was I opening up to this broken half'n'half boy? Not like anyone would believe him if he did say anything anyway. I heard people coming back in from their night out "ah shit, you gonna be okay in here on your own for the night?" I half asked half mumbled.

"Yeah I'll be fine" he lied. I wasn't sure why I had bothered asking because I knew he would either lie and say he was fine or he would tell me the truth and tell me he wasn't okay. Either way I would have done the same thing.

I sighed and rolled my eyes before grabbing him by the arm and dragging him to my room. Maybe a change of scenery would do him some good.

Hey guys thanks for reading just wondered what you all think so far...

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