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Todoroki POV

I wanted to scream for him to stay. I wanted to tell him it wasn't his fault, how could it have been, he was only a kid when he left. I wanted to let him know that nobody blamed him for anything but I couldn't. I couldn't talk, I could barely move and at this point I barely wanted to go on.

Being close to anyone was hard. I only got in the way, got captured or worst of all, got people hurt. As the thoughts of ending it all started to come back the door opened. I pretended to be asleep so I wouldn't have to talk to anyone.

"What idiot nurse left the goddamn window open" it was Katsuki. I opened my eyes to see him reaching for the window Toya had left open. He turned around "hey Sho, they called me to say you'd woken up and I could come visit you, thought I was too late for a second there"

He had no idea how perfect his timing had actually been "you always seem to arrive just in time" I managed to mumble. He gave me a gentle kiss on the forehead "did they tell you anything about the possible surgery?" He asked. "Yeah but..." I started before he cut me off "but nothing, those doctors are going to help you and you're going to let them got it Icyhot?"

It had been a while since I had heard that nickname. "Okay fine" he smiled a little at my words before going outside for the nurse. I wanted to keep talking to Katsuki, I wanted to tell him about Toya, about his visit, the fact that he was the reason they ever even found me but the nurse came in with him.

"We will be taking you in first thing in the morning, before breakfast then you will be able to eat after your surgery. Make sure you drink this before you go to sleep tonight" she placed a small pink liquid on the bedside table and left. "Kat?" I grabbed his arm so he wouldn't leave so soon "s-stay with me?" I asked stuttering a little.

He nodded and sat down on the chair next to me "I want to tell you something but you gotta promise not to freak out okay?" He looked at me confused "Kat, I need you to promise you won't freak out and you won't tell anyone, its important" he sighed "fine what's so important that it can't wait until you're more rested?"

"Toya... you remember when I spoke about him? I said he was my dead brother that my father said would have done better than me... you remember that?" He nodded his head and I could see the confusion in his face. He handed me the pink liquid indicating I should drink it. I drank the whole thing before continuing "turns out my father lied to us all, he's not dead. He's the one that messaged you from my phone when you came to save me." I could feel the tears running down my face as I spoke.

"He... he's also a v-villain... I g-guess he got t-tired of h-heros and..." I was crying again. "So what if your brother has turned out to be a villain, it's not like he's attacked us right" I felt drowsy probably from the weird drink all I could manage before I passed out was one word "Dabi"

This will be the last chapter for a couple days because my alarm for con is gonna go off in like 7 hours and I should probably sleep...

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