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Bakugo POV

We just couldn't catch a break, Shoto was sat in the room but he looked like he was empty and he was mumbling. Something had gone seriously wrong during training. Shinso was kneeled near Shoto apologising repeatedly and basically crying. "Shut up already and tell me what happened" I tried to stay calm.

"I don't know, one minute everything was fine I used my brainwashing to get him to use his fire to strengthen it and then next thing I know he's... doing that" as he finished his sentence Shoto had started screaming.

I instantly wrapped my arms around him "it's okay, I'm here, you're safe" I recognised that scream. It was one of pain, of fear, whatever had happened he was trapped in his own head in a time and place that caused him pain.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." he started apologising again on the brink of tears "yeah yeah, whatever, look you're lucky he obviously trusts you" I paused "I take it it won't just wear off?" I asked hopefully. "I... I don't know, this has never happened before"

I could tell he felt bad so I didn't yell at him. I sighed "look idiot, you obviously didn't mean to do whatever you did, maybe you just pushed the both of you harder than you thought and it was too much" he nodded a little "and don't you dare tell anyone I was nice to you or I'll have to break your kneecaps"

Sho gave another panicked yelp and I hugged him tighter "hey hey hey I'm still here, come on candy cane snap out of it" he started mumbling almost inaudible ramblings but I managed to make out a few words. Once I realised what was happening in his head I instantly let him go "don't let anyone touch him" I ran back to our cabin.

I grabbed one of my jumpers and a blanket before rushing back to Sho. How am I gonna do this? I put the jumper on myself before wrapping him up loosely in the blanket. He was still mumbling "Shinso I'm gonna need you to brainwash him again. When you've got him you gotta force him to come back got it" I demanded.

"I believe in you" I encouraged when he went to retaliate. "Sho? Can you hear us?" I asked he mumbled a response "okay do your thing" I nudged Shinso. He thought for a moment "Todoroki, do you trust me?" He sounded unsure of himself but Sho mumbled a response.

I just hoped my plan would work. I left them alone so he could concentrate and waited outside. I could still hear Sho struggling with what was going on in his head. It took everything I had not to burst back in there but I also didn't want to screw with his head even more. Each time he screamed I clenched my jaw and my chest tightened, I needed this plan to work.

After what felt like hours Shinso came back out smiling "I did it" I pushed past him "Sho you okay? What happened? What was going on in there?" I had so many questions but he cut me off with a kiss. "Can we do this in the morning I'm really tired" I nodded just happy that we had got him back.

I carried Sho back to the cabin and Shinso got the doors for me "thanks" I mumbled "it was my fault all this happened anyway" he mumbled back. I placed Sho on the bed and closed the door behind me. "Coffee?" I asked as I started making myself some coffee. He nodded so I made him some as well.

"It's not your fault. He knows the risks of a lot of things but still does them anyway" I tried to cheer him up a bit. I reminded myself of the time he came to rescue me but ended up getting kidnapped and tortured. The memory of that sent a shiver down my spine "and if he trusts you then I guess I believe you when you say you didn't mean to trap him like that" I saw a small smile start to form on his face. "But you still can't tell anyone I was nice to you or..." he cut me off "you'll break my kneecaps, I got it" he finished his coffee and headed back to his own cabin.

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