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Gotta head out to work soon so have another chapter hope you enjoy it 😊

Todoroki POV

I woke up with the worst headache. It felt like someone had hit me hard with a baseball bat over the head. I fell out which only made my head hurt more. After having a look around I was surprised nothing was burnt or frozen, I couldn't remember my nightmare, but I could remember the feeling it left me with.

"Sho you okay?" Kat ran over to me "yeah, but my head hurts a lot" He helped me onto my feet and into the main room of the cabin. Before I knew it he handed me a drink of water and some paracetamol "that's all we have in here, hope it helps"

He left to join training and told me to stay put. Someone knocked on the door so I answered "Shinso, hey you okay?" He looked upset. "I just needed to make sure you're okay after yesterday" that made me visibly confused. "What happened?" I asked unable to hide my confusion.

He explained that during our training session something, he wasn't sure what, had gone wrong and he accidentally trapped me in my own mind. That explained the headache and nightmare I'd had. "And I guess I just needed to make sure you're okay because I felt so bad, you sure you don't remember what was happening in there?" He finished.

"Not a clue, why? Was it bad?" I just wanted to know. He started to tear up a bit "you sounded like you were in pain, like a lot of pain. It was just lucky Bakugo had the idea of getting me to force you out of it" he smiled a little. "Tea or coffee?" I asked before he asked for a coffee. I personally couldn't stand the taste but Kat drank it all the time so we had plenty.

I made us both a drink before we sat just outside looking over the edge of the cliff. When lunch time arrived so did Kat. "Kinda guessed you would be here" he paused "thanks for keeping him company" he added before handing us both some food that he had brought over. It wasn't long before Kaminari and Kirishima appeared. "Yo Todobroki, you all good, we heard there was an accident yesterday" Kirishima asked curiously.

"Yeah just taking a day to recover"
"MIND YOUR DAMN BUSINESS SHITTY HAIR!" it appeared that Kat was still a little sensitive about the whole thing "it's okay Kat, honestly I don't really remember what happened. Shinso was telling me about it earlier"

I gave my chair to Kirishima and made an ice chair for myself and grabbed a stool for Kat and Kaminari. We all sat together and ate lunch before they had to go back. "YOU COMING BAKUBRO?" Kirishima yelled Kat rolled his eyes "YEAH YEAH I'M COMING CHILL YOUR SHIT"

"I'm just gonna rest a little if that's okay" I smiled a little and Shinso nodded before helping me get the chairs and stools in. He left and I threw myself on my bed and passed out.

"ICYHOT YOU IN HERE" I rolled out of bed careful not to fall again. Even after the extreme nap I still didn't feel rested. "Yeah, I'm in here I'll be out in a sec" I sleepily.

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