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Bakugo POV

I had lost track of how long it had been since the announcement of Shoto's death. All I knew was that I couldn't sleep, I could barely eat and to make things worse, I blamed myself. I knew he would want me to move on and be happy but I just couldn't.

I couldn't even remember the last time I spent quality time with my friends. Knock knock "WHADDYA WANT" I yelled at whoever was knocking at my door. "Its your friends, you can't ignore us forever" Pikachu answered.

"Dude let me in" it was Shitty Hair this time. I sighed, opened the door, dragged him inside and slammed the door shut. "Its been two months man" two months? Seriously? "You can't keep shutting everyone out"

"Why not, people I get close to end up hurt or dead" I could feel tears start to form in my eyes. Shitty Hair came closer to me and hugged me. "I get that's how you feel but you can't keep beating yourself up about it. Before you say anything I know it's easier said than done but maybe if you come out with us tonight it'll help"

"Fine, lemme get dressed and I'll be out" he got up and left the room so I could get dressed. Two months without Shoto already. Had that much time really passed. It still hurt just thinking about him and how I couldn't save him. Before I knew it I was dressed and heading for my door.

"Okay I guess I'm coming with you idiots" we ended up going to play laser tag. It was fun and took my mind off things for a while but I knew once the day was over and my friends went to their rooms I would be alone with my regrets again. We all headed for the changing rooms to get back into our own clothes. Why didn't I just let him go with his jackass of a dad. He might have been hurt but at least he would be alive. Better yet why didn't I just tell someone about the shit he was going through.

"No" I looked up to see Shitty Hair "don't you dare blame yourself you did nothing wrong, you tried to protect him as he did for you. You did everything you could. He knew the risks and he still came with us" he was right but it didn't make it hurt any less. "Oh I know!" Mina surprised us as we left the changing rooms "we should have a sleepover in the common room! Everyone is invited of course"

"We're in" Shitty Hair said as he nudged my arm "yeah whatever" I mumbled. This is gonna be so dumb but at least I won't be alone. We were told to be in the common room at seven.

We spent the first two hours watching a film. I didn't really pay that much attention it it but it seemed to entertain everyone else. About nine we all went to our dorms to get into our pyjamas, Shitty Hair was in a shark onesie and Pikachu, well, his onesie made him an actual Pikachu which made me laugh for the first time in a long time.

"Yes it worked!" Shark Boy yelled as he and Pikachu fist bumped. That's what this is really about, they're trying to cheer me up "yeah, I guess it did you dumbasses" I smiled a little. Nobody dared to even mention Shoto but he was still in my thoughts. "Let's play truth or dare" someone drunkenly yelled through the crowd.

Nobody seemed to know where the alcohol came from but truth or dare proved to be a popular thing that most of the class wanted to do. "Okay" Pickahu said once we were all sat down "who's first?" We played several games of rock paper scissors until there was one clear winner, me, to decide who would be asked first.

"Bakugo, truth or dare?" I barely thought about it for a second "fuck it I'll start with dare"
"Okay I dare you... to..." as Shark Boy tried to think of a dare someone else yelled "put a shirt on" I rolled my eyes and Shark Boy finished his sentence "hug Midoryia"

I stormed over to Deku feeling the effects of the alcohol, grabbed him by the hood to make him stand up and pulled him in for a hug. "There, that the best you got Shark Boy?" I paused "okay my turn, Pikachu, truth or dare" he looked at me in terror for a few seconds and tried to play it ssfe "truth" I smirked at him "is it true that you have a crush on Earphones?" I asked already knowing the answer.

He looked over at her and blushed "y-yeah" he answered as he pulled his hood up and hid his now bright red face. Without saying a word Earphones stood up and walked over to the extremely red Pikachu and gave him a little kiss. Nobody was sure if it was the alcohol or if she actually did like him but it was kinda sweet.

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