Chapter 9~ A New Member

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It had been months since the incident, and Slenda had finally let you out of her room to see the girls again, almost immediately you were scooped up by Tails and brought into a warm cuddle.

Tails: Awww I missed you so much kitty~

Zalga: Slenda, we need to talk.

Zalga walks into Slenda's room and leaves you and Tails in the hallway.

Tails: Well sweetheart, guess you and I are spending the day together, how are you feeling?

(Y/N): I'm g-good, just a little hungry.

Tails: Well, let's get you something to eat, I'll cook you something.

(Y/N): Yay!

*Zalga's P.O.V*

Zalga: Slenda, I am going to start out with this, since the incident, you've been acting more possessive of him, and it's not just myself who thinks this, the girls agree that you're taking it too far.

Slenda: I can't trust any of you, can't I? I let him out and you're out to get me? HAH!

Three figures phase into existence and cross their arms at Slenda.

Trenda: Hello sister, your suit looks nice.

Offenda: Let's get to the point.

Splenda: Slenda, we are here to help you but first we must deal with something.

All 3 of them release a purple orb which traps Slenda and teleports them away, leaving Zalga alone.

Zalga: Good, now for part 2, keeping my nephew oblivious.

*Back with Tails and (Y/N)*

Tails: and that is how I met Sonic, while he's a bit scary at first, I'm sure you'll like him when he breaks out of his game

(Y/N): Where is everyone today?

Tails: Out doing missions and keeping this world purified from demonic scum who don't belong here.

Zalga walks in and sits down at the dinner table.

Zalga: While you are right, that's only part of what we do, we also corrupt people into a null and hollow version of themselves to use as mobile security cameras.

(Y/N): oh, that's a bit mean.

Zalga: We only do it rarely and to the bad men and women who rob and hurt others.

Zalga's mind: THAT WAS CLOSE.

*Knock Knock Knock*

Zalga: I'll get it.

Tails: Let me tell you another story, so, the first time I met Jess was on Halloween 2006, she was out hunting for kids to... Give them candy and I had finally broken out of Sonic R, we accidentally ran into each other and she realised that I was strong, cause that girl was shaking, plus my jewel made her feel woozy so that's interesting.

Zalga: Tails your friend is here.

A dark blue hedgehog walks in and greets Tails.

???: Hey Tails, I finally broke out of my game and I'm free to join the mansion.

Tails: Yes! Finally! Aw I'm so proud for you Sonic.

The hedgehog turns around and looks at you quizzically and then gives a very toothy grin.


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(SONIC.EXE: A cursed and self aware copy of Sonic the Hedgehog who has killed countless naieve players instead of heading the previous owners warnings to destroy the cartridge. Workout master and world winning nap taker)

Sonic: Why hello there, you look perfect for a game of hide and seek! The question is, how fast can you go?

He slowly approaches you, causing you to curl up for safety and start crying.

Tails: Sonic no! That's Slenda's Son, (Y/N).

Sonic: Oh shoot, sorry kid.

Tails picks you up and gives you a soft kiss on the forehead to re-assure you.

Tails: It's okay kitty, he's not a meanie, he's like my brother essentially.

Sonic: Sorry kid I give off that vibe a lot, mainly because the author has no sense of what he's doing.

Tails: Who? Never mind, I'm so glad you're here now, Slenda is going to want a report on what... You know who's doing.

Sonic: Urm, right, where is she?

Zalga: She's napping at the moment. :Telepathy to Sonic: She's being tested by her sisters for being way to over protective of (Y/N).

Sonic: Oh, well I'll talk to her... Later.

*End of Chapter*

Boom new chapter, and I should have said December and not November cause this one was rewritten 4 times.

Sonic: you're too slow!

SILENCE. Anyway, I will be doing a Christmas special which isn't canon to the main story and that WILL go up Christmas eve, I will try to do it that way. See you later folks!

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