Chapter 10~ A day at the mall

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???: Wake up...

A slightly younger voice calls out to me, almost demandingly.

???: Wake the fuck up bitch, we have some questions for you...

I look up and see 2 girls, one in a green tunic and the other in a white hoodie.

Jess: Well, look who decided to make the dumb decision to wander through Creepypasta forest.

Beth: Didn't your Daddy ever warn you about the deadly creatures who own it?

???: Yes he did, but I don't know if he was lying or not in case he decided to throw out my little brother, which he did.

Jess holds up a wallet and smiles wickedly.

Jess: Let's just see who you are, so the police know who our latest victim is.

She opens it up and stops dead in her tracks when she sees her last name.

Jess: (L...l/N)?!? Beth, did he mention having a sibling?

Beth: No, I don't think so...

???: Why does my last name matter to you?!?


Scarlette: So let me get this straight. my baby brother was rescued by a demon lady without a face who took him in as her child, and he has had a soul bond?

Beth: That's the long and short of it.

Scarlette: So, where is he now?

Jess: Natalie, Tails and I think Sonic,  took him out to a mall, not sure when they'll be back though.

Beth: Listen, before you say anything else, you now only have two options at this point... You stay here with us or die...

Scarlette: W-what?!? Why?

Jess: If anyone was to find out about us, especially after everything we have told you... We would all be hunted, and (Y/N) would probably be killed in the process.

Scarlette: I'll stay, I couldn't bear to lose my baby brother again.

Jess: Wait a moment, I literally forgot were serial killers, fuck this bitch, I don't care if she's related.

Beth: True, we'll leave her in the basement and have Slenda deal with her when she's back.

Beth knocks out Scarlette and drags her body back into the basement.

*Meanwhile at the mall*

Tails and Natalie were in the dressing rooms, leaving you with Sonic who was trying his hardest to look like a generic mascot to promote the movie.

Sonic: So, why exactly are we here anyway, my urges to enslave these humans is becoming insufferable.

Tails: I would tell you but I don't want cutie pie there to lose his innocence just yet.

Sonic: Are you two really buying what I think you're buying? Christ author, I thought you were above making sexual innuendos.

Author: Go fuck yourself and just go with it cunt.

Natalie and Tails exit wearing their normal clothes and held bags in their hands. Natalie picks you up and cuddles you.

Natalie: Plus we did some research, we have a rough estimate on when he's due.

Sonic: That's disgusting.

Tails: Plus, I called his first time, so if our math is right, his first season will line up with my season so it's a win win.

Sonic: fine whatever, can we just go before I lose my lunch.

You throughout that exchange were sitting there paying attention to a figure lurking in the shadows who had ears and a tail like you, even down to the shade of colour.

(Y/N): Nat? C-can we please go home, creepy shadow looking at me.

Natalie looks at the figure before nodding.

Natalie: Yeah hun, let's get you home, Sonic?

Sonic tosses a bloody ring which opens a portal to the mansion, it closes the second you all step through.

Tails: Alright then, I think Nurse Ann would like to see her favourite little patient now, see how those little booboos are healing.

Natalie walks you up to Nurse Ann's office and knocks. She then opens the door and gives you a warm smile.

Ann: Hi sweety! You ready for your check up?

(Y/N): Yaya!

End of chapter.

Yeah, sorry this one took so long, I've been creatively bankrupt while writing this one and I want to do bigger and meatier chapters for you all but I feel as if there's an expectation for me to do better than I can so my mind starts blanking whenever I write for this story, so to make it up to you all, the next chapter will be 2000 words and be plot heavy, thank you for up voting the story to 124 up votes.

Lost (Abused and Neglected Neko Male reader x Female Creepypasta)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن