Chapter 4~ The Little Kitty

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(??? P.O.V)

So my shit head parents threw out my baby brother after 4 years of me leaving, I have no idea why they hate him so much, just because he is different doesn't mean he is worth nothing, Don't worry sweetie, your sister is coming to find you!

(Slenda's P.O.V)

After saving my child a few days ago, he has settled in nicely, for a rare species, it's strange on how his parents didn't love him, but that is beside the point, he is my baby now, It's clear he didn't grow too tall for only being 3.5ft and 10 years old, but that doesn't matter, nothing will harm him as long as I am around, which I will be around for a very long time.

(Y/N) begins stirring on my lap to which I begin to stroke his ears which causes him to calm down.

(Y/N): Momma, please no...

Sounds like he is having a nightmare, those bastards scared him enough, that they have invaded his dreams.

Slenda: It's okay, shh, calm down, Slenda's here sweetie.

He calms down and begins purring in his sleep, that's just too cute.

Benny walks into the living room and sits down next to me.

Benny: How is he doing?

Slenda: He was having a nightmare but seems to have calmed down now, he was crying out for his old mother to stop doing something.

Benny: Have you tracked down his parents yet so we can exact some revenge.

I look down at (Y/N) and make sure he is still asleep, to my relief he still is.

Slenda: I found them, they live on the outskirts of the forest, we can't let him know what we do, not yet anyway, he's to pure and innocent to reveal what we do.

Benny: Okay, I will let Jackie and Jess know so we can start planning our chaos.

(Y/N) Begins to wake up and does a very small yawn, to which Benny and I subsequently coo at.

(Y/N's P.O.V)

I opened my eyes and looked around to see Benny and Slenda coo-ing at me.

Slenda: Morning (Y/N), did you sleep well.

(Y/N): I did until I had a nightmare, I heard you speak to me momma and it made the nightmare go away.

Slenda: What happened in your nightmare sweetie?

(Y/N): I was at my house and I saw my sister leaving the house to go to her new job and my parents started to hurt me, and my legs were broken, and I couldn't move and *Starts sobbing* I don't know why they hated me.

Slenda picked me up and started to cuddle me.

Slenda: Shh, it's okay sweetie, I'm here

I lean into the cuddle and begin purring.

Slenda: How about we get something to eat?

(Y/N): Yes, please.

Slenda stands up and we walk to the kitchen.

*Time skip, Jess' P.O.V*

Slenda had left me in charge of looking over (Y/N), even after I told her on how bad of an Idea it was and, I have to admit, he is just too cute to not pet on the head, he is just too adorable, I had to hide all my Knives from him so he wouldn't hurt himself, currently he is just sleeping on my lap, it seems like he sleeps a lot, it might be because he is both a cat and also quite small in comparison to everyone else.

Jess: When is Slenda coming back, I feel too dangerous around him, like if I was to get mad at something he would be in the crossfire and could be hurt and I don't want that to happen.

(Y/N): *Yawns and begins purring in sleep*

MY HEART! I can't handle it, he is just too cute to be around me, I am a horrible person! Where the fuck are you Slenda, How dare you put me in charge of looking after this cutie!

*Knock Knock Knock*

Oh, thank god, if it isn't Slenda, hopefully, I can convince them to take care of (Y/N).

Jess: It's open.

Tails Doll walks in.

Tails: Hey Jessy, how's the little kitty cat doing?

Jess: It is so stressful trying to stay calm around something of his innocence.

Tails: Sounds rough, if you want, I can take him for you and you can go back to... Sharpen your knives for later.

Jess: Yes please, I can't help but feel scared around him because I don't want to hurt him.

Tails: I know girl, I know.

Tails walks over to my bed and gently picks up (Y/N).

Tails: See ya later Jess.

Jess: Bye.

*Tails Doll P.O.V*

Jeez, I didn't think Jess would be so scared of hurting a little kitten like that, hopefully (Y/N) feels comfortable in my room, mainly because of fluffy everything is on my bed.

(Y/N): H-huh? whasz going on?

Tails: I am taking you to my room, Jess had to take care of something so she gave me to you.

(Y/N): O-okay.

I bring him slightly closer to me and he snuggles into my chest, not really surprising considering the fact that I am covered with fur.

I enter my room and lay him on my lap as I begin to do some work on my PC.

(end of the chapter, This one took longer than It needed to, so did Splatoon and Sonic Smash Mansion's remake, sorry folks)

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