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I don't necessarily have a thing for writing fanfiction, but since RWBY is special to me and helped (and arguably helping) me through a dark time and was the show to get me on fanfiction, I simply thought to pay my respects to the show and every other fanfic I've read. Seriously, I don't know how to put it to words about how exactly I feel about this community. When I first heard about RWBY, I ignored it, neglected it. You see, my family isn't exactly the biggest supporter of shows like RWBY or SAO, it was tolerated. A simple acknowledgement that it was there and nothing more. So I was hesitant to watch RWBY. Then finally, one day, i had decided "I don't care what other people think. I'm gonna watch this and at least see what it's about." And when I watched the first episode, I instantly fell in love with it. At first, I thought that it was just a phase and I'll stop caring about it. Then I thought why can't I stop. Then I realized it was a part of me. It made me whole. It had stopped me from having dark thoughts, stuff like suicide. I don't act on those because of my friends and family, but I had those thoughts for as long as i can remember. I empathized with some of the characters, Weiss especially. See,there were constant fist fights between my parents, my parents then got divorced, my brother drinks so much i can't believe he's not dead, my dad is never around, same with my mom, and it feels like the only two people who care about me are my cousin and my grandmother. Can you see the similarities between Weiss and I? Here let me list off Weiss' problems with her family. Her mom and dad Basically got divorced, just not actually. Her mom is an alcoholic. Both of her parents are never around except only Jacques is when he wants money, which is another thing about my mom I didn't mention. The only genuine care she got before going to Beacon was from Winter, her sister. And even then, the love from Winter was a sort tough love that we've seen. You see now why I love this show? Blake is similar to me in that, until recently, I've ran from my problems like how she did in the black trailer and when the rest of her team found out she was a faunus. Ruby is like me in that I keep a positive outlook and attitude even in the darkest of times. I can only relate to yang in two ways 1. I like to fight 2. Right now, I'm going with the flow like she said in v2. Even the villains i could somewhat empathize with (by that I mean Adam and Emerald). I don't know why I thought that this wasn't going to last forever because now I'm attached to it until the writers decide to end it or rooster teeth disappears or something. Honestly I love this show and the community that comes with it. Sorry to drop that on you but I wanted to convey my personal thoughts and feelings about this show. As I said above, I'm writing this as a thank you to the show and the community. Also because Adam is my favorite character and I feel like he was done dirty given that all the traits that made him who he was before volume 3-6 we're stripped away in the form of Ilia therefore condemning him to death. So with that out of the way let be clear in the things I'm changing. While I'm keeping the SDC brand I am moving it off of his face and placing it on his left pectoral (if I remember correctly, thats the area above your nipple). He is going to wear a hat while at beacon to hide his horns. Blake WILL NOT be going to beacon. Instead she will be returning to menagerie to convince her father to start a new white fang while trying to change the old white fang. I will be adding an OC in Adam's place instead of having the lieutenant take over. And last but not least Ilia won't be a thing, well she will be but she will as of right now only have mentions of her and no actual interaction or dialogue besides words directly quoted from her. After that the only other change is that Adam looks like he does in the cover when at beacon. Other than that I officially announce the start of Adam's Redemption

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