The Queen is Dead

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Amara laid Eden's body in a bed of flowers. She had transported them to a park of some kind. Around Eden grew flowers of every shape, color, and size but when Amara reached out to touch them they would shrivel up and die. Tears flowed down Amara's face. She had killed the center of the universe. She had condemned her brother to the same fate. "Eden I'm so so sorry." 


Lucifer sat in his chair staring at the floor. He wanted to die. Tears flowed from Satan's eyes at the thought of his sister's face. Castiel sobbed from the corner of his mind. The anguish that was within the vessel was suffocating. Eden was gone they had yet again...Failed. 

Sam searched through books endlessly. All he could focus on was killing Amara so the universe wouldn't implode. He ignored his grief. He had a job to do and the pain in his heart at the loss of his best friend wouldn't stop him. 

Chuck sat on the stairs. He was dying. But that was okay. He didn't have to live without Eden. He could see her again soon. So he blinked away the tears and smiled. He would see her again.


 Oh, Dean. 

Dean had only felt this pain once. When Sammy died the first time. 

Dean was utterly heartbroken. So when they said the way to kill Amara was by sacrificing themselves, guess who was first in line. Dean wasn't afraid. He didn't care that he was going to die. All he knew was he was going to kill the bitch who took away the love of his life. 

Because Dean did love her. He loved her more than anything. He would die a thousand times for her. 

Dean made himself a bomb because Amara was GOING TO DIE. 

She took Eden away

Amara has to die because...

Amara is the reason the Queen is dead.

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