First Born

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Sam's off with Cas doing god knows what, Eden is in heaven trying to help out,  and I'm hunting the first blade with crowley. We need it in order to kill Abaddon. Knights of Hell are a bitch to kill but I here that this can do the job. Dad worked a case a while back that involved the first blade. He didn't right a lot about if BUT he did work with someone on the case... Some girl named Terra. We found Terra and she gave us a location spell to find the first blade and it worked. Missouri. That's where it is. We pulled up to an old farmhouse. Crowley stopped, "Wait. I'm feeling something." I turned to look at him, "What, cramps?" He shook his head, "I feel something dark." "What, darker than you?" I said sarcastically. Crowley was about to retort when he notices a man in a beekeeper suit tending bee hives over by the house. Crowley looked like he was about to piss himself. "Oh, no. We need to leave here now." he said. "What, are you allergic to bees?" He shook his head. "That's not a beekeeper. That's the father of murder." "Sorry. Who?" I said confused. "It's Cain." Crowley spat. Then it dawned on me,"As in Cain and Abel?"  "Dean. We need to be a world away from here -- from him." Crowley turned to leave and almost runs into Cain who appeared behind him. "You're not going anywhere. Crowley." Cain spat. Oh Crap.

According to Crowley after killing abel, Cain became a demon. He became the deadliest demon to walk the face of the earth. Killed thousands. The best at being the worst. And then he just... Disappeared. Everyone thought he was dead or, at least, hoped he was. Cain handed us tea and I started, "You know who we are?" Cain looked at me "I'm retired. I'm not dead. What I don't know is why you're looking for me -- more importantly, how you found me." Crowley said extremely nervously, "Ah, that's, uh, a funny story, really. Bit of a misunderstanding. We really should --" Cain motioned with his hand and took away crowley's voice, He is rendered speechless. He stammered trying to make a sound. "Oh, you gotta teach me how to do that." I said. "Why are you here, Dean?" I straightened up. "We're looking for the weapon the archangels used to kill the Knights of Hell. The First Blade. We need it to kill a Knight of Hell -- Abaddon. Look, I get it. You're retired. We're not here to get between you and the demonic AARP, but it's bad out there, and I'm just looking to even the odds." Cain leaned forward, "One last time -- how did you find me?" "We didn't. The location spell was for the blade. One-time deal." I answered honestly. "Anyone else know you're here?" He asked. I shook my head, "No." Cain stood, "Well, it's been a pleasure having company, but once a century is enough for me. You can let yourselves out." I followed after him "Hey, listen, pal. We're not leaving here without the Blade." Cain looked back at me, "You have quite a reputation, Dean. I see the part about you being brave rings true." I smirked, "Well, what can I say? I'm an all-in kind of guy. Abaddon is the last Knight of Hell, and if you're out of the game, what the hell do you care if she dies?" Cain raised an eyebrow, "If your friend here could talk, he would tell you that I trained the Knights of Hell. I built that entire demonic order with my own hands -- Abaddon included." I turned to crowley ,"Well, that is information I could have used five minutes ago!" Crowley gasps in explanation, still unable to talk. "Well, here's something your friend doesn't know, that no one knows, in fact -- outside of Abaddon. It wasn't the archangels that slaughtered the knights. It was me." I was lost now, "Why did you turn on your own?" Cain looked at me, "Once again, I admire your bravery. But if you'll excuse me, I have errands to run in town. Goodbye, Dean Winchester... Never return."

We leave the house and walk towards Baby. "Well, that was lovely. Can we leave the country now?" Crowley piped up finally able to talk again. "But you said the First Blade was our only shot at killing Abaddon. This is the closest you've been to it. We're not leaving." I spat. "Will you listen to reason for once?" Crowley said. "Hey. He said he was going into town. Awesome. We wait till he's gone, come back, bust in, take what's ours. Got it?" Besides we got heaven on our side what could go wrong. 

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