The Horn of Joshua

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Crowley has the Horn of Joshua. AKA a hand or God. That could be very bad. Knowing Crowley he'll either use it to kill Lucifer or try and sell it to me and Amara to use against each other. Either way it's very bad news for me. I heard a rumor that Rowena is healing Amara. If only I knew where they were. I am in heaven readying for war. I of course would never put my brothers and sisters in Amara's path directly but I am readying them to protect the earth as best they can. Oh and.... wait. wait a second. Why is Lucifer in heaven? I felt his presence appear. "Jophiel call a meeting. It appears we will be hosting a welcome home party for my little brother today." I said standing from my throne. Jophiel took off to go rally the others. Oh my Luci what now?

"Hello brother." I said appearing behind him. "Eden! love what you've done with the place. I heard the smiting was a bust. All of heaven's power and it didn't even slow the bitch down." I smiled and shook my head. "Good to see you too Luc. How did you even get in here?" Lucifer scrunched up his face and hissed, "You really don't wanna know." I shook my head, "We'll deal with that later come on... Oh and welcome home Luci."

We sat in the board room. Me at the head of the table and all other angels scattered around. The angels were not happy to see Lucifer. "You need me." Lucifer said to Aziraphale "God cast you out of heaven!" He exclaimed.  "Oh and who made that tabloid headline?!?! Captain G himself. The eternal one. I simply questioned his priorities and he cast me out! You've seen humanity, The twin towers, third rank, Salem witch trials! They created Hiroshima and I got the boot for questioning him!" They continued to argue. "ENOUGH!" I yelled in my god voice. My eyes glowed. "Lucifer stays... He is our brother. I didn't agree with is punishment before and I don't now. I will not force you to work with him... and I know it's hard to not listen to what our father said in his time of anger. But He is gone and I am here and I'm telling you he can help us with Amara... What do you all say?" I looked around the room. I know they will all listen to me but I want them to chose. "We'll have to think about it." Ariel said. "Well don't think about it to long. You know what they say, He who hesitates, disintegrates." "Lucifer..." I said in a warning tone. He held his hands up in mock surrender. 

Just then the ground began to shake and dark clouds poured into the room throwing us all around... Amara. Papers were flying and we were all knocked to the ground or thrown across the room. When it finally ended Lucifer checked to see if I was alright before standing up and looking at everyone. "That is what we call pay back. I don't think auntie amara appreciated your half assed smiting. This is just a tiny taste of whats to come. God knows what's next... oh and he doesn't care." Lucifer announced. Here we go...


"Hey Eddie I'm being summoned by your ex.. They have the Horn of Joshua and they want me to use it to kill Amara. You wanna come?" Lucifer said walking into my office. "They want to work WITH you? Sure they do.... Yeah I'll come. It'll save me the trip for when I have to save your ass from what ever they have planned" I said grabbing his hand. 

We were then transported to a old church. We were standing in the middle of a ring of holy fire... A trap. I'm shocked. (note sarcasm) "Eden?" Dean said with wide eyes. "You know your prayer implied that I would be joining the team... but uh I'm not really feeling the team spirit." Luci said. They tried to get cas to expel Lucifer which obviously didn't work. But now Crowley is inside Cas too. So we are just waiting here for someone to wake em up. "Eden-""Don't Dean... I don't wanna talk about it."  Then on crowley's forehead appeared the words Help me. "Eden" Sam said. "Yeah I got it." I snapped and smoke flew out of Cas and back into Crowley. The fire around Lucifer went out. "You tricked me. You lied to me. I could have been your warrior. Ah who needs ya." Lucifer said before bringing The Horn of Joshua to his hand. "As much as I get a laugh outta you two. There comes a time when every relationship has run its course and so..." Lucifer closer is fist and the boys groaned in pain. "LUCIFER!" I yelled in my god voice. He immediately let them go. Just then the back wall blew off and amara entered the room. "Oh Lucifer... Eden" She hissed. "My how you've both changed." She sneered. "You were safely locked away. Your gonna wish you stayed there." Lucifer said and before i could stop him he used the horn on Amara. 

It didn't effect her at all. With the wave of her hand she threw me through the far wall. She took lucifer away. In a burst of light they were gone. 

Oh hell no. I'm getting Luci back. 

I looked over at the Winchesters. looks like it's gonna be a very long day.

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