Mark of Dean

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I felt it....

I knew the mark had taken its next host. "Aziraphale!!!" I yelled. The lower class angel flew to my side. "It was Dean Winchester my goddess... Dean Winchester now possesses the mark of Cain." I nodded and he flew away. Dean... What have you done.


The battle was over. The darkness was locked away and creation was safe. The Archangels sung songs of victory forgetting how tired they were. I sat silently watching my brothers as they danced around. I was not in the mood to celebrate. The downfall of our aunt was not something to celebrate. "What's wrong sister? Are you not pleased with our triumph." Michael asked. "No nothing like that. I just- I wish it could have been different." I said. Amara didn't deserve to be locked up. She swore revenge on me and my father, along with the whole of creation. "Do you fear her escaping?" Raphael asked. Before I could speak our father interjected. "There is nothing to fear. I've created a lock on her cage. The key is in the form of a mark. This mark will corrupt it's host however it will keep Amara locked away." God said showing us the mark. "Who shall bear the mark father?" Gabriel asked. "I will of course..." I said. "I am the first creation. The strongest. I will be most suitable candidate for resisting the mark. Besides it is my burden to bear. It is I who Amara seeks to destroy. So it must be I who bears the mark."  My father furiously shook his head. "NO!.... NO EDEN! not you.... Lucifer.... you will  be the host." I looked horrified. "NONSENSE! I will not stand for this, it is my burden to-"  "NO! LUCIFER WILL BE THE ONE!" Father interrupted. before I could argue he said, "-thus saith the lord" He snapped his fingers and Lucifer grabbed his arm groaning in pain. I rushed over as he fell to his knees. I pulled up his sleeve and there lay the mark. Father what have you done?


"I CAN'T STOP IT EDEN!" Lucifer yelled angrily. "I AM ENRAGED BY THE SMALLEST THINGS! I HURT GABRIEL DURING TRAINING. I NEARLY STABBED MICHAEL FOR INTERRUPTING ME WHEN I WAS SPEAKING... What is happening? This mark...i-it's tearing me apart. I have no control over myself. I feel this-this darkness clawing away at me...I fear that one day the darkness will win and I will be overtaken. I just want it to stop. I want it all to stop." Lucifer cried. I wrapped my arms around him and he buried his face in my neck. I combed my fingers through his hair as he calmed down. "I'm so so sorry Luci. It wasn't supposed to be you. It should have been me." I said hugging him tighter. My heart broke for my brother. Lucifer was the brightest of all angels. To have this darkness forced on him... it was going to rip him apart. 


Lucifer had changed. He had become hateful towards others. He had this anger and violence that could emerge at any moment. The angels began to fear him. He was harsh towards all of creation but me... His treatment of me didn't change at all. While he became bitter and spiteful towards our brothers and sisters and our father, he became increasingly close to me. He had begun to show extreme hatred towards humanity. "WE SHOULD NOT HAVE TO BOW DOWN TO THAT WHICH IS LESS THAN US! THEY ARE BROKEN EDDIE! FLAWED! AND FATHER WISHES FOR US TO TREAT THEM AS WE TREAT YOU! HOW DOES NO ONE SEE THIS IS CRAZY!"  I placed my hand on his elbow stopping his pacing. "Luci calm down. You're getting worked up again." I said calmly. "YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME!!!!" I shook my head " Luci that's not what I said -" "I'LL PROVE IT TO YOU! YOU'LL SEE I'M RIGHT EDDIE! I'LL PROVE THAT THE HUMANS ARE FLAWED!" Before I could respond he stormed out of my room slamming the door behind him. I sighed... Well what's the worst that could happen.


I stood in the bunker as dean appeared in front of me. I was furious. That damn mark tore my family apart once. I won't let it happen again. My eyes glowed an electric blue with fury, "Dean Winchester... What have you done?" I hissed. He looked at me wide eyed and opened his mouth to explain. I raise my hand to silence him, "That was rhetorical. You are playing with something you don't understand dean! I have watched the effects of that mark since it was first created. It destroys lives. THAT'S IT! Everyone who has ever come in contact with that thing has either DIED or wished they had. This is out of your league boy... This only ends one way, and it ain't happily ever after." Dean stood there staring at me. "Eddie... I don't have a choice-" "NO! YOU DO! YOU DO HAVE A CHOICE AND YOU MADE THE WRONG ONE! You don't understand Dean...." Tears filled my eyes. This mark represents every bad thing that has ever happened in my entire existence.  The loss of my aunt, my brothers, my father, my freedom. This one little mark took everything from me. Dean's stern exterior dropped as he saw the tears slip down my face. He quickly walked over to me and pulled me into his arms. I buried my face into his neck while i gripped fist fulls of his shirt. I sobbed until his shoulder was soaked. He kissed my head and held me close. "We'll figure it out Eden... We always do... We are winchesters after all." Dean said holding onto me for dear life. We will fight this till our final breaths... We are winchesters after all.

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