First fights are the worst

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She left... she actually left. 

I haven't seen Eden in a week. 

It was dumb i know. I really do lo-... like Eden. I have no feelings for Amara but there is this connection. I know it's because of the mark. But she kissed me and I didn't stop her. Maybe I shouldn't have told Eden but She would of found out eventually. She is God after all... Wow how messed up is that. I finally got together with GOD and I messed it up by kissing the Darkness who is trying to kill god and end creation. My life is kinda crazy...

We are looking for a way to get rid of Amara. No Amara no more problem. That's what I keep telling myself even though I know it's not true. We found a record of a hand of god that went down on a submarine. Cas flew me back in time and I got the hand of god. It was a piece of the ark of the covenant. But it was a one hitter so its kind of useless now. OH and by the way Cas isn't actually Cas. NOPE Cas is actually LUCIFER! So thats how my week has been going. 

We have taken up a few cases here and there but there's no sign of Cassifer or Amara or Eden. Me and Sammy are kinda at our wits end. "JUST GO PRAY TO HER!" Sam said slapping my arm. We were riding in the impala back from one of our cases. "Okay first of OWWW! and second what are you even talking about." I said focusing on the road. "Common man you've been sitting there in silence just stewing in everything going on... you know who could really help us out. EDEN! Now I don't know what happened between you two but you better work it out. Apocalypse part two is here and we could really use god on our side so fix it." Sam said looking back out the window. 

We found a motel for the night and I left sammy to sleep. He was right. I need to talk to Eden. 

"Dear Goddess Eden.... We really need to talk. Look I know I messed up alright? I know. But could ya please just come talk to me. We really need you... I really need you. So... If you got your ears on... Eden?" Nothing just silence. "Come on Eddie...." Nothing. "Alright Eddie... I get it. I'll try again tomorrow"

Little did I know she was listening.

Amara's NieceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon