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"I've packed her some lunch and her blanket and paci are in her bag. Try not to let her sleep if you can help it because she's been up since 2am and I need her to sleep tonight. It's okay if you can't keep her awake but if you can't, just give her like an hour or so. She probably won't be very happy because she doesn't like it when I'm not there when she wakes up. There's another bottle in her bag and-"

"Laur, we got this. We've watched her before, remember?"

"I know, you're right, I'm sorry. I'm just stressing because I don't leave her very often and I think she's coming down with something."

"It's okay, Lauser. She'll be fine, now hurry before you're late."

"Bye-bye, baby! I'll see you later, okay? I love you, Camzi. Go see Allycat, good girl. Bye guys, thanks again." Lauren coos, quickly pecking the little one's lips before handing her over to her sister and heading out of the door.


"Mani, hey! You look great!" Lauren greets, pressing a kiss to the older girl's cheek before sitting down opposite her.

"You look great too, Laur." Normani smiles, handing the raven haired girl a menu before starting to look at her own. "What have you been up to this morning?"

"I've actually been up since 2am with Camila, I think she's coming down with something because she's been kinda clingy but at the same time she hasn't wanted to be touched."

"Aw, bless her! Hopefully it'll just pass without getting too bad." Normani offers a gentle smile, both ordering a drink before continuing to talk.

"What about you, what did you do this morning?"

"I've been working on a new dance and I finally finished it this morning."

"Is that the one you were telling me about last week?"

"Mhm. It's been driving me insane but I finally figured out how it should end. Anyway-"

"Sorry," Lauren apologises, peeking at her phone as it rings loudly. "I've gotta get this, it's Dinah. I'm sorry."

"Hey, Dinah, is everything alright?"

"Hey, Mila's been sick and she's got a fever of 104, we'll meet you at the emergency room, okay?"

"I'll be right there, thanks, D." Lauren sighs, hanging up the phone, standing and gathering her things. "I'm so sorry, Mani but Camz is sick, I've gotta go. They're taking her to the ER."

"I'll come with you." The older woman says quickly, standing from her chair and pulling out her purse.

"You don't have to."

"I want to, come on, let's go." She smiles, leaving some money on the table before grabbing Lauren's hand and leading her out of the café.


"Mama!" Camila sobs pitifully, not having the energy to move from the bed even though all she wants is to be away from the beeping machines and scratchy sheets. She kicks her legs again, moving her hand to tug on the wire coming out of her arm.

"Ah-ah, Mila, you've gotta leave that in, nena." Ally reprimands gently, moving the little one's hand away from the plastic tube leading to a drip.

"No!" She sobs again, throwing her head back, her hand moving to hit the older woman in protest.

"Camila, stop, honey." Dinah says in a stern voice, causing the child to throw her head back again. "Do you want your paci, Mila?" She offers, holding out the usually loved item only for the toddler to sob again and throw it onto the floor.

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