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"Captain?" said Rosa, knocking on his door.


"Sir" she continues, sitting down on the positioned seat in front facing Holt. " I wanna just say that-"

"Your concerned about Amy. Worried in sense."

"How did you know?"

"Well, before you entered my room. You knocked. Tell me Diaz" he paused leaning in "when have you ever knocked?"

"I.. Uhh"

"Exactly, then the other thing. Your eyebrows were frowned slightly about 6 degrees, but not too much to show feeling of a type of perplexion material. Your fists were not in a tight form, more loose than usual and the usual stomp of the heels were rather peaceful without it. Not to mention its quiet evident its about Amy as she just left 5 minutes ago. So why else would you be in my office? "

Rosa sat there with her face mixed with emotions, something she usually doesn't like to show. But this time she couldn't help but to be so scared, confused and shocked at the same time. Blinking ever so sharp as Holt sat there having his head leaned against his hand with his usual unimpressed face, or how ever he was feeling.

He is hard to read.

"I'm sorry, let me just process that. She cleared her throat" Besides that weird sherlock shit, yes it's about Amy. Did she not seem... Off?"

"Off can mean different things, such as-"

"Start that again with me I will burn every single dictionary I can find in this exact office and serve myself dinner with the flames."

"Cause I'm gay?"

"What!? -Are you playing the gay card with me again!?"

"Yas queen" he said, snapping his fingers.

Rosa groaned in anger

"She just seemed off, ever since Teddy is back in the picture. In fact ever since the whole... Crash."

"But can you blame her Diaz? She has been through shock and has lost memories with Jake. We all have"

"I guess so"

"She is still here, isn't she?"

"Yeah but-"

"Then there is no reason to be scared for her. If anything happens, then we will be there for her. Same for jake. Understood?"

"Perhaps just over thinking."

"Hmm, yes. The mind can do wonderful things. They say-"

Rosa slapped her two hands on the chair arms "Alright, I'm leaving" she said pulling herself up and stomping out the room.

* * *


p-please. Le- go!" Amy choked, finding it hard to breath while clawing Sophias hand for the grasp of freedom

"You could've fucked everything up!" shouted Sophia, having Amy pinned up to the van Wall choking her. "Why didn't you follow the rules!!?"

Amy couldn't answer as she was trying hard to release every finger of Sophias hand from her throat. Her face was red and her eyes were blood shot.

"Sophia. That's enough!" teddy snapped "We still need her you idiot!"

Sophia rolled her eyes and  glared at Amy. She let go of her and she fell to the floor gasping, coughing and spluttering.

Remember Me//Jake X AmyWhere stories live. Discover now