The squad moved under the bridge, and another guard post came into their view. They made their way to the entrance to one of the cabins were three or four enemies who were minding their own business. There was a another cabin up on the hill, above them, and the squad noted that there was one man, sitting on the chair outside, as the two men were inside the house.

"Ruby. Plant some claymores in front of the door, then get their attention.." Yang said.

"Why? Can't we just rush into the house and shot them down?" Mercury asked.

Ruby did as she was told to. She pulled out her claymore and put it down on the ground, right next to the entrance to the cabin, then Yang shot at the house, allerting the enemies that someone was outside. They gave up whatever they were doing and rushed outside, only to be killed by the exploding claymore.

"That was sneaky." Ironwood stated, impressed by it.

"I agree." Oobleck agreed with him.

"It really makes me hard to believe that Yang would do this, instead of rushing in, and taking care of everyone inside. Me and my club learned that the hard way." Junior stated.

"Hey. I can be quiet too! Besides, I didn't attack you the moment I walked in!" Yang shouted to him.

"Can you, though?" Blake asked her teammate.

"You too, Blake?" Yang said to her.

The enemy that was sitting on the chair, fell off of it to the floor, and didn't had any chance to see what was going as Weiss shot him in the head, ending his life. His two friends, who were in the other house, rushed out, but they, just like their fellow faunus, were gunned down by Yang, before the squad moved up the hill, to the third, and last house. They walked into it, and made their way over to the kitchen, where Yang stopped right in front of the doors.

She opened it slowly, and quietly to make sure that there wasn't any enemy on the other side, revealing a small field with a very old car, and bulldozer.

She paused for a moment, "Ice Queen. You smell that?"

"Yeah. Scarlatina." Weiss responded.

A moment after Weiss said those words, a bunny faunus who the audience recognize as Velvet Scarlatina walked out of the bushes, holding her gun above her.

"I love your hat, Velvet. We really need to try one of these once we'll be done with it. I'm sure that Fox and Yatsu would help us out." Coco said, eyeing the hat that this version of Velvet had on her head, as Fox and Yatsuhashi had a look of panic on their faces.

Another shopping trip with Coco?


"There's going to be more of them hiding in the grass, you'll see." Emerald whispered to Mercury.

"Welcome to the New Menagerie, Captain Xiao-Long." Velvet said as made a gesture with her free hand, a few dozen more faunus stood up.

"See?" Emerald said to Mercury.

"How did you know?" Mercury wanted to know.

"Remember that I was a thief? I used to hide in the grass, many times." Emerald answered.

"Is it because you have green hair?" Mercury said the first thing that was on his mind.

"No? How did you even... On the second thought, I don't want to know." Emerald said.

"What's the target Scarlatina? We've got an informant to recover." Yang said.

"The White Fang have BM2 on the other side of the hill. Their rockets have killed thousands of civilians in the valley below." Velvet answered.

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