Just the way you are

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Kun opened his eyes, the first things he saw when he opened his eyes were Winwin sleeping face. He smiles and struggles onto the younger's chest

He felt so warm in the others embrace. "Morning baby" mumbled Winwin, his eyes still closed and he pulled Kun closer to him.

"Morning Winwin. Time to wake up  giant baby." Said Kun, Winwin opened his eyes and their gazes were met.

"Let's stay like this for a while." Mumble Winwin and he buried his face on the older's neck. He loves the older scent and that scent more like his drug.

"But we have a schedule today." Said Kun, he giggles when Winwin kissed his neck. He felt tickle when the younger kissed his neck.

"Our manager let us rest today. I am so tired of our cloud vlog yesterday." Said Winwin, he looked at Kun and smile at the older.

"How about Hendery? I don't want him to wait for us at the lobby" Kun pouted, Winwin kissed the pout away.

"Nah, he knows by the way. He tired too so he takes his rest today, " said Winwin, Kun nodded his head.

He admits it, they were so tired after they doing their vlog at Hang Zhou. Thank goodness their manager let them take a rest today.


"Hmm.." The younger looked at him. Kun rubbed his tummy and pouted. "I'm hungry." He said Winwin smirked at him.

"Then eat me." He said, Kun's cheeks become red when Winwin said like that. He pushed Winwin away and try to avoid the younger's gaze. Winwin chuckled and kiss the older cheeks.

"No matter how old are you, you are so cute to me!" Cooed Winwin hugged the older tight. The older pouted but he hugged Winwin back cause he loves him too.

Just the way you are

"Are you done? "Winwin knocked thw door, Kun was inside the bathroom.

No answer from inside.

Winwin frowned, he twisted the doorknob and the door wasn't lock. He opened the door and he found Kun was brushing his teeth.

He turned to face Winwin and smile, he continue to brush his teeth and look at himself on the mirror. Winwin went inside and take his toothbrush.

He put on the toothpaste on the toothbrush and started to brush his teeth. Both of them were looking at themselves on the mirror.

Kun looked at him and smile. After that, Kun walked out from thw bathroom because he already done clean up. Winwin close the door and started to take bath.

Kun started to dress up, he stopped when he saw Winwin's black hoodie on the bed. He smile and take off his shirt, he took Winwin's black hoodie and wear it.

Then he smell the hoodie, he really loves the younger's scent.

"Ehem, what are you doing? "Kun turned around and face half naked Winwin. His hair was wet and he only wear towel around his waist.

"Wearing your hoodie, can i? "Asked Kun, he pouted. Winwin shooked his head. "Nope, you have your own hoodie. I want to wear that, now give it to me. "

"No!" Kun hugged himself and pouted again, Winwin hold his smile. He admit it, Kun look so cute now and he really want to pinch the older cheeks.

"Kun, i want to wear that. Now give it to me. "

"You can wear my black shirt. "Said Kun, Winwin sighed. He took Kun's black shirt which was on the bed. He frowned, Kun's shirt definitely could not fit his body!

Once again Winwin sighed, he put on Kun's shirt. Then he saw Kun smile in victory. "That shirt fit you well. "Said Kun, Winwin rolled his eyes.

"This shirt definitely couldn't fit my body. "Said Winwin, Kun chuckled. He went closer to Winwin and hugged the younger. "But we only stay at hotel today. We are not going anyway. "He said, Winwin melt with Kun behaviour.

The older knows his weakness. He hugged the older back. "You know my weakness. "Said Winwin, he kissed the older cheeks and that make Kun giggles like a girl.

"Of cause i know. "He said, they released their hug. They went to the small table at the corner of the room. There are a various of food in the table. They started to fill their tummy because they were so hungry.

Just the way you are

"Winwin. "

"Hmm? "Winwin was playing the older hair, they were cuddling on the bed.

"If i change my hair colour from purple to white, does it look good on me? "Asked Kun, he looks at Winwin.

"Of cause it look good. Every hair colour fit you well. "He said, he kissed the older hair. He even smell the older hair cause he loves the scent of the older hair.

"Winwin. "

"Yes. "Kun got up and sit, he turned to face Winwin. Winwin got up and faced the older. "Am i cute? "Asked Kun, he make his cute face and that make Winwin smile.

He cupped the older cheeks and peck his lips. "I want to tell you about this. "Their gazes were met.

"No matter what, you always beautiful to me. When you smile, my whole world start to stay still for a while. Cause you are amazing, just the way you are. "He said, his smile appeared on his face.

Kun felt his cheeks were burning, he buried his face on the younger's chest. "I love you Winwin. I never throught that you are really mean to me. "

Winwin hugged the older, he kissed his hair. "I love you too, i want to spend my whole life with you. No matter what, you are amazing, just the way you are. "Kun smile, he hugged the older back.

Then they start to lying on the bed. Kun felt sleepy when he felt Winwin ruffled his hair. Within a second, he fall into the deep slumber. Winwin smile, he kissed the older cheeks and started to sleep.


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