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Kun grabbed the doorknob. This is her first time and her first day work as a doctor.

Qian Kun,you can do it!

Slowly she opened the door. She saw a guy who was stand in front the window. Before she walked closer to that guy, that guy suddenly spoke. "what are you doing here? And who are you?" Kun felt that the dark aura. She pulls a chair which was near the bed and sit there. The guy look over his shoulder and still he ignore Kun.

Kun sighed, but she can't give up. She try to seek his attention with asking one simple question. Yeah with one simple question. "how are you?"

No answer.

The guy still ignore Kun. "Hi, I am Qian Kun. Are you Dong Sicheng?" she asked politely. Her introduction catch the guy's attention. He turn around and face Kun. He smirked at Kun. "Mr.Sicheng."

"I am not Sicheng anymore. I am Winwin."said the guy who call himself Winwin. Great, Kun make her first move and the Winwin guy answer her question. Kun question herself, why such a handsome guy get into this Mentality Hospital. What make him admitted here? This is not his place.

"Can I ask something?" Kun look into Winwin's eyes. Winwin look at her with boring look. It look like Winwin doesn't have interest with Kun's question at all. Kun felt like that Winwin ignored her but she don't care and keep ask another question. "Do you want to go home?"


Kun was surprised with Winwin's answer. Why he answer 'No'? So, Kun ask him again. "Why?" Winwin look at her with angry gaze. "Why do you want to know about my problem? I already comfortable stay here. Don't act nice with me I know that you coming here because of my father. So that you can bring me home and back to that hell!" all of sudden, Winwin's mood change. Winwin was furious.

Kun tried to comfort him but failed when Winwin's hand reached her neck and try to choke her. Kun almost out of her breathe, she slapped on Winwin's chest. Begging for him to let go of her neck. "Why do you have to hear his command?!" asked Winwin. His gaze locked with Kun's. Before Kun almost faint, she took something from her coat pocket. She took out her control and pressed on the red button. After that, there come two guys and pull Winwin away from Kun. The grip on Kun's neck was released and Kun could breathing normally. The two guys give Winwin some drugs and make him relax and sleep. They put Winwin on bed.

"Are you ok Dr. Qian?" asked Dr. Kim. Kun only nodded her head. She wanted to know more about Winwin and why Winwin in this place.


"Good morning my friend!" greet Johnny, he stand in front the door which was open. Winwin growled and sat on the bed. He glanced at Johnny. Johnny gave him a warm smile but Winwin throw his pillow to Johnny's face which make Johnny almost fell. Winwin thought Johnny gonna be mad but...

He smile sheepish at Winwin!

Winwin felt annoy with Johnny's present. "Go away! I don't need you." Johnny laughed at Winwin. "Let go have breakfast." Said Johnny and he dance. Winwin only could rolled his eyes. Winwin get up and get out from his room. He walk to the canteen and take his food. After that he sit at the empty place which was the most comfortable for him. But there come Johnny with his food. He smile at Winwin. "Hi my friend!" he sat in front Winwin.

Because Winwin still mad at Johnny, he splashed his water at Johnny. Winwin smile evil at Johnny and he thought Johnny will mad. But still, Johnny still not mad and he even smile widen at Winwin. "Please leave me alone." Said Winwin. Johnny chuckled at him and call his friend, Jung Jaehyun to join them. Jaehyun walk closer to them and join them enjoy the breakfast.

"Seriously? Do you want to still alive or you want me to end your life?"

"But you are alone here and that why we here to company you. So that you will not feel lonely next time." Said Johnny while eat his breakfast. Winwin rolled his eyes and drink his water but then he realize that he already splashed his water on Johnny's face. So there no water left. He slowly put down his glass.

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