Scolded by Gildarts

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A Lucy walked into her classroom. Then saw that Zeref sitting at his desk talking to Loke. Lucy went up to them and Loke had a nervous look on his face. Considering what Gajeel Jellal and he did earlier in the hallway.

Hey guys what's wrong

Lucy I might have did something. That you sorta told me not to do.

What did you do Loke.

Don't be mad. But Gajeel, Jellal, and me kinda told Natsu and Lisanna our secret. About us being friends with you. I also told them I'm one of your spirits.

So that what was all the screaming. Also all the dirty looks was about.

Wait so your not mad at us.

Why would I be mad for you did the right thing. But I know what you boys where getting at. You wanted to tell the true behind us. I also heard from the girls. That they made them do it Gajeel and Jellal do it. Although they might come yelling at me for what you said to them. But oh well it's the same as always with those three. So why care anymore beside it won't change you three are my friends. So don't worry about it anymore.

Loke had a shocked look on his face

Seriously I love you Lucy. Your so nice to me. Even after I just did the stupidest thing possible.

Loke hugged Lucy which Zeref was not thrilled about so he got out of his seat and pulled Lucy out of looks grasp

She mine

Don't get me wrong Zeref. But me and Lucy relationship is on a whole different level. Then what you are thinking. She's already turned me down once now.

Once the more like eight.

Zeref glared at Loke after what Lucy said

Alright eight time but still. Our love for each other is friends. Because she already friend zoned me. After I became her spirit. Now we can't even have that type of relationship. Because of we did that would be a big problem. Because if we ended up breaking up. It would pretty much feel weird. Because with her being my master and me being one of her spirits. Do you get the picture now Zeref.

Yeah but then why do you flirt with Lucy then. You even asked for a kiss when she hit you.

Well I am know as the number 1 playboy. Beside if you think I'm bad you should meet her spirit Taurus. If you heard what perverted things that comes out of his mouth. When he's around Lucy it's quite funny.

Lucy then laughs nervously

Alright boys I think that's enough of that. Zeref could you let go of me.

Zeref still holds into Lucy

Let me meet those spirits of yours then.

You just had to tell him about Taurus didn't you.

Well your soon to be Husband. Should know about the other perverts in your life. It's also pretty funny how jealous Zeref can get. When you hang around other guys.

Well how would you feel if Aries started.was hanging around other guys. Oh yeah like the guy she met on Tenrou island. I remember you where half tempted to punch him. Oh was that just my imagination.

But even so how could she want to fall for guy like that. I mean I'm way better looking than that creep. That guy who almost killed you.

But she stopped the guy didn't she.

Well yeah but I known her longer than that guy.

Well their you go it's not funny to see someone jealous. It can be totally annoying. Especially when I have to tackle you to the ground. Just so I can keep you from killing that guy. Sense you wouldn't go back to the celestial realm when you where told.

Loke rolled his eyes knowing what she said was true

I wasn't going to kill the guy. I was just going to knock him out. then make sure he would never come near her again.

Mmhm sure you where considering the last part.

Just then the teacher came in and all three sat in their seats.
Just then some guys into the classroom.

She's here just as I thought my day couldn't have gotten any worse.

Zeref looked over at Lucy. Then looked at who she was talking about. Then he got a pissed off look on his face.

Gray you can go sit next to Lucy.

Gray walked to his seat the was in the right side and Zeref started whispering to Lucy

Are you alright with being next to him. Zeref whispers to Lucy

It's fine don't worry about it Zeref. Lucy whispered back

Alright then if he causes you any trouble just tell me. He whispered

Zeref I'll separate you two if you keep talking. While I'm the busting my ass to teach you brats something.

I want to sit next Lucy so the perverts don't mess with Lucy.

Gildarts eye started twitching. Because Zeref was getting on his last nerve.

That's it Zeref come sit up front now.


No buts I scene a lot of times already Lucy is more than capable to take care of herself. Besides if your so worried about the perverts coming near Lucy. Then I'll admit I'm the biggest pervert in this room. Now does all of you understand I will not take anymore of  your constant complaints and whining. Your all in high school so grow up. You won't get your ass no where in life when you all act like kids. Now get up here Zeref now and everyone shut it.

Zeref grabbed his stuff and went up to the front row. He than sat down and Gildarts started teaching again.

Back with Lucy

Lucy sat at her seat listening to the teacher. When she noticed Gray putting a piece of paper. That he been folded on her desk. Lucy opened it up and started reading what he wrote. This is what was written on the paper.

Lucy meet me after class I have to tell you something important that I really want you to know. So please trust me I hope you consider coming. Because If you do meet me by the lunchroom. Don't bring Zeref with you.

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