I won't leave her

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The next day at school in class. Zeref shares a class with Lucy and Gray. Zeref was sitting in his seat waiting for Lucy. When she came in Zeref smiled. Because after he got home after taking Lucy home. Zeref couldn't wait to see Lucy again.

Hey Lucy how was your night?

It was great thanks for asking. How about you how was your night Zeref?

It was great I couldn't wait to see you.

Lucy blushed

I couldn't wait to see you either Zeref. Lucy says smiling

Zeref then blushed then the teacher came in

Alright listen up you brats. We have a new student going to be joining us today. Come on in and introduce yourself.

A blue haired girl walked in this is what she looks like

Hello my name is Juvia Lockster I use Water magic

Juvia then seen Lucy and smiled Lucy smiled back

Aright then you can go sit by Gray. Gray raise your hand so she knows who you are.

Gray raised his hand and Juvia sat next to him

(Thinking) he's kinda cute i'll have her.

At the end of class

Hey Lucy can I sit with you at Lunch.

That sounds fine to me.


She said she'll meet us at lunch.

Alright then I can't to meet her.

Great let's head to lunch now.

But I need to do something first.

Oh and what is it forgot.

Zeref kissed Lucy which made her blush

Now shall we who go to lunch. Says smiling

Of course.

They left the classroom and headed to the lunchroom. But they didn't notice that their was a certain blue and red haired girls. Walking in the same direction as they where heading to. After what they seen everything they just happened they where happy.

It finally happened I'm so happy for them.

Their dating and they both look a lot happier then before. Says with a smile on her face

But what if Natsu and Lisanna finds out? They might try to break them up.

Well we can't let that happen now can we now.

Yeah besides I'm tired of not being able to talk to Lucy at school.

The girls left to go to the lunchroom to meet up with their boyfriends. Back with Lucy and Zeref in the lunchroom.

So where's the girl you where talking about.

Just then the new girl came up and hugged Lucy

Juvia missed you Lucy I haven't been able to see you sense you left.

I know and I missed you two.

Wait so you two know each other. Is she the one you wanted me to meet.

Yep this is the girl meet my best friend Juvia.

Well it's nice to meet you Juvia I'm Zeref Dragneel.

So is he the guy you were calling hot? That you said your going to be marrying.

Lucy blushed at the fact the calling him hot part was just supposed to be a secret between them and Zeref just stood their smiling at the fact she think he's hot just then Natsu and Lisanna came up to them

Your still hanging out with this damn loser Zeref.

Don't call her a loser Natsu.

What has just saying the truth about her. She's just a loser so if you don't want people thinking the same you two better join us.

Zeref and Juvia looked made because their making Lucy said

Don't you dare talk about my best friend that way. Unlike you she's not a stuck up jerk.

My girlfriend ain't stuck up we're just saying the truth she's just a rich nobody now come of Zeref let's leave this loser.

Zeref then got very pissed off and hit Natsu which made him fall to the ground everyone in the lunchroom turned their head to their fight

Don't you say stuff like that about Lucy. You don't know like we do she's nothing like you say.

Then how about I tell her about that dare we made. Zeref is only with you because I dared him to make you fall for him. So their was any other reason he would want to hangout with someone like you.

Zeref wrapped his arm around Lucy

Natsu I didn't even care about the dare. I just wanted to get to know Lucy. So I will not leave Lucy.

You can't be serious.

I'll show you both how serious I am.

Zeref kissed Lucy in front of everyone and it wasn't just a short kiss but after he broke the kiss Lucy was blushing at what they just kissed in front of everyone it then Zeref turned his head to see everyone shocked but Natsu and Lisanna where disgusted

I will not leave Lucy because she is kind, caring, and loving. I love her more than anything. But also brother L-lucy is also my f-fiancee.

Almost everyone in the lunchroom was cheering because someone finally stood up to Natsu and Lisanna but the ones who weren't where the girls who was fangirling over what Zeref just said Lucy was.

So you can say carp about me. But if you fuck with Lucy again. I won't ever forgive you.

Natsu and Lisanna left with a very pissed off look on their face which Zeref was proud he actually admitted it and Zeref hugged and kissed Lucy who was standing their in shock and embarrassment because what Just happened

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