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It was June 20th, Jacob peraltas birthday. He'd never liked nor celebrated his birthday since his father walked out on him. All he does is sit alone in his apartment after work. He hated being alone but he didn't have a choice.
At the precinct
"There's the birthday boy! Happy birthday Jakey!" Boyle came running up and pulled me into a hug. Like the domino effect everyone then came to wish him a happy birthday, he appreciated everything but he felt like something was missing. Someone. He just didn't know who.
The day at work went by like any other day except he was really down but Jody seemed to notice. Not even Boyle!
At his apartment
Most people say there birthday is the best day of the year but Jake would say the exact opposite. He didn't think this day could be a good day but then again he said that about a lot of stuff.
Can I come round in 10 minutes?
Yeah sure, I'll see you in 10.
End of convosation
Jakes pov
I wonder why she wants to come round, seems a bit odd but it's better then being alone. Hey  I'll even tell her how I feel or not I could not.
A gentle bang came from Jakes front door.
"Hey Jake, I noticed you were down so I thought I would come over. I brought all the due hards, pop corn and orange soda."
"Thank you! I didn't think anyone had noticed." Jake felt happiness and love spread through his body. For the first time in a long time he felt love.
"Of course I noticed Jake, what's up?"
"Just my dad didn't text me, I don't know why I expected him to he never does." Amy didn't say anything nor did she need to she just embraced Jake in a tight hug.
After a few minutes the two separated.
"A-Amy I need to tell you something..."Jakes voice went croaky with nerves.
"Amy I like you, like you like you. I have done for ages and I get it if you don't li-" Amy cut Jake of by kissing him.
"Jake I like you too! I always have!" Happy tears dropped down Amy's face as Jake cupped he face in her hands.
Finally he felt complete. The person he was missing was Amy Santiago.
Hey I hope you like this chapter! Please ignore any mistakes🌷
Have a good day💕

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