The accident pt1

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"JAKE!" That's the last thing Amy thought she would ever say to Jacob Peralta as that day there was a terrible accident.
Earlier that day
They would never admit it but both Jake and Amy had feelings for each other. Finally Jake built up enough courage to ask Amy out. Surely nothing could go wrong that night?
"Thank you for an amazing date Jake!" Amy said as they stepped out of the fancy restaurant. She wouldn't admit it to him but this had been the best night of her life! When she saw Jake butterflies grew in her stomach, she wanted to kiss his so bad but it was to late. A screech came from a passing car then in an instant her life flashed before her eyes.
"JAKE!" She screamed for him but it was it late a car came crashing round the corner. Jake didn't have time to move. That was it. Suddenly blue and red lights came flashing down the street to get Jake.
Breaking down Amy collapsed on to the ground she couldn't loose Jake!
Amy was sat in the waiting room or there local hospital, 1 hour earlier Jake was rushed through it surgery and the rest of the squad arrived. They were all deverstated and worried, they all knew Jake was strong but was he strong enough to pull through?
"It's going to be ok Amy, he will be ok." Rosa reassuringly squeezes Amy's hand knowing everything going inside her head. They all knew that Jake and many had feelings for one and other but wouldn't admit it.
"Family of Jake peralta?"
"We're friends but we're as close as family." Captain holt said as the squad walked up to the kind looking nurse.
"Ok so the good news Is the surgery went well and he's stable, the bad news is there could be brain damage more around temporary memory loss." The nurse lead them to his room, only two people were allowed so it was decided it was Boyle and Amy that went.
"Hey Jakey, I know you might not be able to hear me but i wanted to tell you that I love you." Boyle went staight up to Jake tying not to cry. He moved aside for Amy to go and talk to him.
A few hours later all the squad had left well everyone expect Amy Santiago, she wanted to stay there until Jake woke up.
A blurry light came into Jakes vision, he slowly tried to get up but he heard a faint voice.
"Hey Jake your awake!" Amy said in a caring tone.
"W-who are you?"
—————————————————————————————————————————————Hey sorry for taking so long to update but here it is! Don't worry there will be a part two to this! I hope you like it! Please ignore any mistakes💫
Hope y'all have a good day/night❤️

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