The accident pt2

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Amy's heart shattered into a million pieces. She never thought she would here them words come out of Jake peraltas mouth.
"J-Jake you know who I am, I'm Amy I'm your gir- friend I'm your friend."  Tears welled up in Amy's eyes as she began o try and make sense of this.
"Amy, Yes we work together as police?" Jakes memory was blurry but it was slowly complete my back.
"Yes! Yes we work together! We're detectives for the nypd."
3 days later
Jake being discharged today, the doctor said getting back to routine would help him get his memory back. Amy hoped this was true more then anything. She liked him so much or maybe she even loved him but he doesn't even know who she is. Boyle hadn't taken to Jake not knowing who he was very well.
"So Amy do I live alone?" Jake was so excited to get home, over the last few got more memories back just not the ones of Amy.
"Yeah you do, why'd you ask?"
"Oh I just didn't want it be alone, you know after being around people at hospital it will be lonely. Do you think um maybe could stay with he? I will sleep on the couch."
"Y-Yeah of course I can Jake!" Amy was flooded with nervous and excitement, she wanted to be there for Jake as much as possible and he gave her that opportunity.
Now at his apartment
The two decided to get a take away and watch die hard (per Jakes request).
"Yeah? Are you ok Jake?"
"Amy I remember I remember everything!" Jake cupped Amy's face and kissed her, he remembered her he remembered how much he loved her.
"I love you Jake, I love you so much." There heads were against one another as tears of happiness dropped from there eyes.
"I love you so so much Amy Pera- Santiago Amy Santiago."
Hey sorry for slow updates! Please ignore any mistakes
Hope y'all have a good day/ night💕

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