Somewhere to stay

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Nashi P.O.V

"What th-" he was caught off guard when I tackled him but quickly started fighting back, we tussled and rolled all over the floor fighting without actually doing any real damage to each other. I felt someone lift me up and I realized how stupid of an idea that was picking a fight within minutes of getting to Fairy Tail! They'll throw me out for sure.

"Seiko what were you doing fighting the new girl!" a guy with a remarkable resemblance to seiko scolded him.

"But dad she started it!" Seiko protested, I saw someone pick up my key but didn't dare move to get it. His dad continued to scold him when I turned around to see who pulled me out of the fight.

"Hi i'm Gajeel Redfox" a big scary looking man held out his hand and I quickly put together that this must be Luna's father. I shook his hand but was scared he might throw me out right there and then.

"I'm so sorry please don't throw me out of the guild, he just took my key and I have a short fuse and-"

"It"s okay you're part of our family now" he stopped me in the middle of my sentance. I watched the girl who had picked up my key out of the corner of my eye.

"Hey I met Luna earlier is she your daughter?" I asked him trying to be friendly.

"Yeah, she and my other daughter Chiyo, my wife is Levy over there" he said pointing to a short blue haired woman.

"Well I'd love to get to know them someday." I said trying to get out of the conversation and get my key back. I backed away and once he turned around I scanned fairy tail for the girl who took my key. I saw her blue hair as she slipped into another room at the back of the guild. A few minutes later I stepped into a huge room, filled with books from top to bottom. In the middle of it there was a teenage girl maybe a bit younger than me sitting by a pile of books as she wrote something down in a notebook.

"Hey, did you take my key" I asked the girl startling her, she got up and motioned me over to her.

"Yeah i'm Chiyo, do you know what this key is?" she asked hopefully as she took off her red glasses.

"No, do you?" I asked hopefully maybe she could help me.

"Well it seems familiar but I can't quite figure it out" she picked up her notebook and showed me the almost expert drawing of my key. Pointing at the symbol on the top of the key she continued "I think this symbol might have something to do with the constellations-" she was cut off when someone from the doorway called out to her.

"Chiyo we're going home for dinner!" the women named Levy called out.

"I'll be up in a few, mom" Chiyo called back then turned to me. "lets meet here tomorrow" she said passing my key to me and running up the stairs to catch up to her mom.

I went back to the main room of Fairy Tail, it was starting to empty. I realized I don't have anywhere to stay and I'm already short on jewels. I walked up to Mira who was cleaning a cup behind the bar.

"Excuse me, is there any where I could stay for a the night around here?" I asked trying not to sound desperate.

"Well there's Fairy Hills and some hotels closer to the train station and also... well that's probably not a good idea..." Her sing song voice trailed off lost in thought.

"What's not a good idea?" I was to curious for my own good and I probably shouldn't stick my nose where it doesn't belong but I need somewhere to stay.

"Well there is an apartment that you could probably stay in but the previous owners stuff hasn't been moved out of it" her voice slightly cracked and she sounded doubtful.

"what happened to the owner?" Why did I just ask that it was not a good move, sometimes I swear I'm to dense for my own good!

"She died years ago but it feels like just yesterday" she looked down but continued "nobody wanted to move her stuff and she didn't have any family who wanted it to so we left the apartment the way it was"

"Oh I'm sorry i don't want to be any trouble" the girl obviously meant a lot to them but Mira turned around and walked up some stairs into another room. She came back shortly and walked up to me with keys and the apparent number.

"Makarov said it should be okay until you found your own place just try not to break anything" she handed me the keys and gave me the apartment number.

Awhile later I opened the door the apartment it oddly seemed to have be upkeep no dust or cobwebs. I dropped my bag on the floor and looked around there was a small bathroom and a nice kitchen, the main room had a table a desk and a bed. I walked over to the bed and scanned it there was a rough draft of a book and a quill beside it, in the drawers there was a bunch of letters that hadn't been sent and were all addresses to this girls mom. I didn't want to look any farther so I slowly almost carefully slipped under the covers of the pink sheets to fall asleep almost instantaneously.

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